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. 2018 Mar 9;74(3):343–349. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gly045

Table 1.

Baseline (1987–1989) Participant Characteristics (n = 5,760) Stratified According to Frailty Status at Visit 5 (2011–2013)

Characteristics Robust Prefrail Frail
N 2,620 2,749 391
Demographic Variables
 Agea,b 50.6 (4.4) 52.6 (5.1) 54.3 (5.4)
 Female (%)a,b 54.8 60.5 66.8
 African American (%)a,b 19.7 23.4 26.3
 Median household incomeb,c 50k–75k 35k–50k 25k–35k
Education (%) a,b
 Less than high school 9.5 14.9 25.4
 High school/GED/vocational 39.4 44.1 45.8
 College/graduate/professional 51.1 41.0 28.8
Physiological and Lab Variables
 Body mass index, kg/m2a,b 26.1 (4.1) 27.5 (4.8) 30.2 (6.2)
 Systolic blood pressure, mm Hga,b 114.5 (15.1) 116.9 (15.9) 121.1 (16.3)
 Diastolic blood pressure, mm Hga 72.4 (10.0) 72.9 (10.4) 73.9 (11.0)
 Total cholesterol, mg/dla,b 207.5 (39.3) 212.4 (40.0) 212.2 (39.0)
 HDL, mg/dlb 53.8 (17.0) 52.9 (17.0) 51.6 (16.7)
 LDL, mg/dla 131.2 (37.6) 135.2 (38.0) 134.6 (34.7)
 Triglycerides, mg/dla,b 114.8 (74.3) 123.5 (77.4) 134.1 (108.1)
Chronic Medical Conditions (%)
 Hypertensiona,b 19.2 25.3 36.9
 Diabetes mellitusa,b 2.4 4.6 9.0
 Coronary heart diseasea,b 3.2 5.4 8.7
 Heart Failurea,b 1.3 2.9 4.2
 Cancer 0.2 0.1 0.6
 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseasea,b 13.4 16.0 17.8
 Chronic Kidney Disease 0.2 0.3 0.6
 Arthritisa,b,c 29.4 40.7 57.7
Medication (%)
 Anti-inflammatory (regular use)d 14.7 16.6 14.8
 Cholesterol lowering (last 2 wk) 1.8 2.5 1.7
Cognitive Status (%) a,b,d
 Cognitively normal 82.6 71.7 58.3
 Mild cognitive impairment 16.2 23.4 31.2
 Dementia 1.1 4.8 10.0

Note: Values are displayed as means (SD) for continuous variables, and column percentages for categorical variables. GED = General education diploma.

a p < .05 for significant difference between the prefrail and robust (referent group).

b p < .05 for significant difference between the frail group and robust (referent group).

cAssessed at Visit 4 (1996–1998).

dAssessed at Visit 5 (2011–2013).