Table 3.
Games Howell Post Hoc Comparisons of Mean (Standard Error) Symptom Scores by Abuse Category
No Abuse n = 24 |
Sexual Abuse Only n = 14 |
Multiple Abuse n = 9 |
BPD | 11.32 (1.16)a | 14.09 (1.52)b | 21.03 (1.89)a, b |
Depression | 26.41 (2.31)c | 27.00 (3.02)d | 41.20 (3.77)c, d |
General Anxious Distress | 26.87 (1.76) | 26.61 (2.30) | 34.00 (3.25) |
Anxious Arousal | 33.80 (2.43)e | 31.16 (3.19)f | 51.30 (3.97)e, f |
Note. Superscripts denote significantly differences between group means:
p < .01
p < .05
p < .01
p < .01
p < .05
p < .01
BPD = borderline personality disorder; Multiple Abuse = includes sexual and physical abuse.