Fig. 4.
Bivariate associations for physical, behavioral, neuroendocrine, and sleep alterations. (A) Kendall’s partial correlation between pairs of phenotypes (i.e., after removing the effect of the experimental groups). The phenotypes (the averaged last three measurements were used for repeated measures) were ordered according to their phenotypic categories. Correlations were considered significant at an FDR < 0.05 (Padj; symbolized by black-framed square), computed with the Benjamini–Hochberg procedure for multiple testing correction. For detailed statistics, see Dataset S2. (B) Example of a correlation from (A) illustrated for percentage of REMS per TST during the light (L) phase and impairment of the corticosterone regulation (τ = 0.72; Pnom = 0.00034, Padj= 0.0197; n = 8 animals per group; gray: control mice, red: UCMS-subjected animals). DEX supp., dexamethasone suppression.