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. 2019 Feb 5;9(2):e026091. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026091

Table 3.

Number of occupational accidents reported to either ISA, AFA or both (overlap)*, together with presence in the NPR (inpatient and outpatient), for the year 2013 in Sweden

All reported injuries Total NPR Inpatient Outpatient
N % N % N % N %
ISA only 49 356 47.6 5343 10.8 368 0.7 4975 10.1
AFA only 17 095 16.5 4458 26.1 371 2.2 4087 23.9
ISA and AFA 37 138 35.9 10 131 27.3 1119 3.0 9012 24.3
Total 103 589 100.0 19 932 19.2 1858 1.8 18 074 17.4

*Linkage of datasets conducted on id-number (de-identified) and injury date in a ±7 days range.

ISA, information system on occupational injuries; NPR, National Patient Register.