Fig. 1.
PZT: piezoelectric translation - TS: translation stage - LPM: low pass dichroic filter - HPM: high pass dichroic filter - (a) Multimodal static and dynamic FFOCT combined with fluorescence side view. The camera used for FFOCT in all setups is an ADIMEC Quartz 2A750. The camera used for fluorescence is a PCO Edge 5.5. Microscope objectives are Nikon NIR APO 40× 0.8 NA. (b) Multimodal static and dynamic FFOCT inverted system top view. Microscope objectives are Olympus UPlanSApo 30× 1.05 NA. (c) In vivo FFOCT setup for anterior eye imaging (with Olympus 10× 0.3 NA objectives in place) and retinal imaging top view (with sample objective removed, at the location indicated by the dashed line box), which is capable of imaging both anterior and posterior eye, in both static mode to image morphology or time-lapse mode to image blood flow. (d) Locking plane procedure. FFOCT images are acquired over an axial extension of 10 μm with 0.5 μm steps and are then cross-correlated with the target image. The sample is then axially translated to the position corresponding to the maximum of the cross-correlation. This example is illustrated with retinal cells.