Figure 2.
Characterization of peripheral blood mononuclear cells 3–5 weeks (n = 9) after infusion of αβ T-cell depleted stem cell booster. (A) Major lymphocyte populations: T-cells (CD3+), B-cells (CD19+) and NK-cells (CD56+CD16+); (B) CD4 and CD8 T-cell subsets; (C) memory/maturation status of total (CD3+) T-cells; naïve (TN, CCR7+CD45RO-), central memory (TCM, CCR7+CD45RO+), effector memory (TEM, CCR7-CD45RO+) and terminally differentiated (TTD, CCR7-CD45RO-); (D) αβ T-cells, γδ T-cells and subsets of γδ T-cells and invariant NKT-cells (all gated on total T-cells); and (E) regulatory T-cells (CD25highCD127−/low on CD4+ T-cells) are presented along with (F) representative example plots from all indicated populations from patient 2. (G) Absolute numbers of T-, B- and NK-cells (with gray areas representing the normal range determined for healthy adult patients) and αβ+ and γδ+ cells, respectively (n = 8). Absolute numbers were calculated by multiplying the frequency of the subsets (gated from total alive cells) with the white blood count determined at 4 weeks post-infusion of αβ T-cell depleted cell product.