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. 2019 Feb 12;7(2):2325967118825469. doi: 10.1177/2325967118825469


Summary of Included Studies

Study Year n Level Ball Weighta Training Duration Velocity Change, mph
Logan26 1966 19 College 2.5-5.5 lb (pulley) 4 wk +9.28
Brose5 1967 21 College 10-lb pulley, 10-oz ball 6 wk No significant difference reportedb
Straub37 1968 48 High school 7-17 oz, incremental 6 wk No significant difference reportedb
Litwhiler25 1973 5 College 7-12 oz, incremental 12 wk +11.2
DeRenne8 1990 30 High school 4-6 oz, incremental 10 wk Underweight, +4.72; overweight, +3.75
DeRenne7 1994 225 High school and college 4 or 6 oz 10 wk +5 (approximate)c
Szymanski38 2011 21 High school 7 oz 8 wk No significant difference reportedb
Yang46 2013 24 High school 4.4 oz 10 wk +2.1
Reinold33 2018 38 High school 2-32 oz, incremental 6 wk +2.2
Warm-up with weighted ball
 Straub37 1968 60 High school 10 and 15 oz 20 pitches No significant difference reportedb
 Morimoto30 2003 8 College 4.5 and 5.5 oz 6 or 18 pitches +3 (approximate)c

aA regulation baseball weighs 5 oz.

bThe authors did not report quantitative velocity data.

cApproximate values are used when only graphical presentations of the outcome measure were available in the report.