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. 2019 Feb 12;10:94. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.00094

Table 3.

HFO investigation in epilepsy using scalp EEG.

References Patient population Age range N Measurement Detection method Application/finding
Kobayashi et al. (132) West syndrome 3m-4y 11 Ictal HFA Time-frequency plot HFA during epileptic spasms and hypsarrhythmia
Kobayashi et al. (133) Lennox-Gastaut syndrome 3y-29y 20 ictal HFA Time-frequency plot HFA during tonic seizure onset
Kobayashi et al. (135) children with epilepsy and continuous spike-waves 6y-9y 10 Interictal ripples Time-frequency plot and visual Co-occurrence with spikes
Andrade-Valenca et al. (38) Focal epilepsy 19y-63y 15 Interictal ripples visual Co-occurrence with spikes; SOZ localization accuracy for ripples 81%; lower sensitivity but higher specificity than spikes
Kobayashi et al. (136) Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes and Panayiotopoulos syndrome 2y-9y 45 Interictal ripples Time-frequency plot and visual Co-occurrence with spikes; Negative correlation of HFO rates with time since last seizure
Iwatani et al. (134) West syndrome 9m-14m 4 Ictal ripples Time-frequency analysis and visual HFO sources during epileptic spasms localized to lesion
Melani et al. (88) Focal epilepsy 22y-68y 32 Interictal ripples Visual Ripple rates depend on spike rates; Localization of SOZ: lower sensitivity but higher specificity than spikes
Fahoum et al. (137) Focal epilepsy 18y-43y 22 Interictal ripples Visual Greater thalamic BOLD changes during IEDs with high HFO rates
Lu et al. (138) Focal epilepsy 25y-53y 5 Interictal HFA events Visual and ICA Association with SOZ and resection area
Zelmann et al. (139) Epilepsy with FCD 17y-52y 11 Interictal ripples Automated detection and visual confirmation Proof-of-principle; SOZ identification
Chaitanya et al. (140) Childhood/juvenile absence epilepsy 6y-10y 9 Interictal and ictal ripples ICA, time-frequency analysis Co-occurrence with spike-waves
Kobayashi et al. (141) West-Syndrome 3m-9m 17 Interictal ripples Time-frequency plot and visual Pharmaco-response monitoring of adrenocorticotropic hormones
Toda et al. (142) Early epileptic encephalopathy 0-17w 6 Interictal ripples Time-frequency analysis Co-occurrence with epileptic bursts during suppression-burst patterns
Papadelis et al. (143) Epilepsy with encephalomalacia 11y-15y 2 Interictal ripples Automated detection and visual confirmation SOZ identification
Pizzo et al. (144) Genetic generalized and focal epilepsy 21y-60y 17 Interictal ripples Visual Concordance between ripple-dominant hemisphere with clinical lateralization; differential diagnosis
Pizzo et al. (145) Focal epilepsy 21y-59y 10 Interictal fast ripples Visual Proof-of-principle; concordance with SOZ
Qian et al. (146) Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes 4y-11y 14 Interictal ripples Visual Ripple rates identified atypical forms; pharmaco-response monitoring of methylprednisolone
van Klink et al. (147) Focal and multifocal epilepsy 18y-76y 31 Interictal ripples Visual Ripples preceded epileptic spikes
van Klink et al. (148) Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes 3y-15y 22 Interictal ripples Visual Differentiation of atypical and self-limited forms; seizure prediction
von Ellenrieder et al. (87) Focal epilepsy 19y-68y 17 Interictal ripples Automated detection and visual confirmation Localization concordance with clinical data or resected area (65% sensitivity)
Cuello-Oderiz et al. (149) Lesional epilepsy 18y-71y 58 Interictal ripples Visual HFO rates higher with superficial lesions compared to deep seated focus
Mooij et al. (150) Different types of epilepsy 11m-14y 23 Interictal ripples Visual Proof-of-principle; comparison with controls
Gong et al. (151) Epileptic encephalopathy with continuous spike-and-wave during sleep 4y-13y 21 Interictal ripples Visual Concordance with MRI abnormalities in patients with structural etiologies; pharmaco-response monitoring under methylprednisolone
van Klink et al. (152) Focal epilepsy 3y-42y 9 Interictal ripples Visual Localization concordance with clinical data or resected area (sensitivity: 55.4%, specificity: 72.2%)
van Klink (153) Focal epilepsy 8y-54y 30 Interictal ripples Automated detection and visual confirmation 50% localization concordance with clinical data or resected area
Bernardo et al. (154) Children with tuberous sclerosis simplex and healthy controls 2m-5y 11 Interictal fast ripples visual and automated detection proof-of-principle; occurrence comparison between pediatric patients and controls
Ikemoto et al. (155) Childhood epilepsy with centrotemporal spikes 2y-9y 25 Interictal ripples and HFA Time-frequency analysis and Visual Ripple rates identified atypical forms
Kobayashi et al. (156) Myoclonic epilepsy 5m-17y 21 Ictal HFA events Time-frequency analysis and visual confirmation Involvement of HFA in generation of myoclonic seizures
Kuhnke et al. (157) Epilepsies of different etiologies 8y-52y 13 Interictal ripples Visual Comparison of high-density and conventional EEG; higher ripple rates and better concordance with SOZ for high-density EEG
Mooij et al. (158) Different types of epilepsy 11m-8y 23 Interictal ripples Visual Co-occurrence with sleep specific transients; occurrence rate during sleep stages

m, month(s); y, year(s); w, week(s); HFA, high frequency activity; SOZ, seizure-onset zone; HFO, high frequency oscillations; BOLD, blood oxygen level-dependent; IEDs, interictal epileptiform discharges; ICA, independent component analysis; FCD, focal cortical dysplasia.