Source | Search strategy | Hits retrieved |
ALOIS ( (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
Basic search: VIT (Studies within ALOIS are coded VIT if the intervention is a vitamin or mineral) |
Dec 2014: 254 Jul 2015: 0 Mar 2016: 2 Aug 2016: 0 Mar 2017: 3 Jan 2018: 1 |
MEDLINE In‐process and other non‐indexed citations and MEDLINE 1950 ‐ present (Ovid SP) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
1. exp *Vitamins/ 2. exp *Minerals/ 3. exp *Dietary Supplements/ 4. Calcium Carbonate/ 5. vitamin*.ti,ab. 6. cholecalciferol.ti,ab. 7. ergocalciferol.ti,ab. 8. toxiferol.ti,ab. 9. retinol.ti,ab. 10. "retinoic acid".ti,ab. 11. Vitamin A/ 12. Vitamin B 12/ 13. Vitamin D/ 14. Vitamin E/ 15. "beta‐carotene".ti,ab. 16. "alpha‐carotene".ti,ab. 17. "gamma‐carotene".ti,ab. 18. "beta‐cryptoanthin".ti,ab. 19. thiamine.ti,ab. 20. riboflavin.ti,ab. 21. niacin.ti,ab. 22. nicotinamide.ti,ab. 23. pantothenic.ti,ab. 24. pyridoxine.ti,ab. 25. pyridoxal.ti,ab. 26. pyridoxamine.ti,ab. 27. biotin.ti,ab. 28. "folic acid".ti,ab. 29. Folic Acid/ 30. cyanocobalamin.ti,ab. 31. methylcobalamin.ti,ab. 32. "l‐ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 33. "ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 34. ascorbate.ti,ab. 35. Ascorbic Acid/ 36. phylloquinone.ti,ab. 37. phytomeadione.ti,ab. 38. phytonadine.ti,ab. 39. mineral*.ti,ab. 40. multivitamin*.ti,ab. 41. "diet* supplement*".ti,ab. 42. calcium.ti,ab. 43. Calcium/ 44. iron.ti,ab. 45. zinc.ti,ab. 46. sodium.ti,ab. 47. potassium.ti,ab. 48. phosphorus.ti,ab. 49. magnesium.ti,ab. 50. chloride.ti,ab. 51. sulphur.ti,ab. 52. mangansese.ti,ab. 53. cobalt.ti,ab. 54. selenium.ti,ab. 55. copper.ti,ab. 56. iodine.ti,ab. 57. fluoride.ti,ab. 58. or/1‐57 59. *Aging/ 60. Aged/ 61. "Aged, 80 and over"/ 62. Middle Aged/ 63. Age Factors/ 64. "mild cognitive impairment".ti,ab. 65. Mild Cognitive Impairment/ 66. MCI.ti,ab. 67. AAMI.ti,ab. 68. ACMI.ti,ab. 69. ARCD.ti,ab. 70. CIND.ti,ab. 71. (nMCI or aMCI or mMCI or MCIa).ti,ab. 72. "old* adults".ti,ab. 73. elderly.ti,ab. 74. "old* age*".ti,ab. 75. "middle age*".ti,ab. 76. seniors.ti,ab. 77. "senior citizens".ti,ab. 78. "community dwelling".ti,ab. 79. pensioners.ti,ab. 80. "aged sample".ti,ab. 81. "aged population".ti,ab. 82. or/59‐81 83. 58 and 82 84. *Cognition/ 85. *Cognition Disorders/ 86. Memory/ 87. Memory Disorders/ 88. (cognit* adj3 (func* or declin* or reduc* or impair* or improve* or deficit* or progress* or perform* or abilit*)).ti,ab. 89. "mental perform*".ti,ab. 90. memory.ti,ab. 91. "executive function*".ti,ab. 92. Executive Function/ 93. Attention/ 94. (speed adj2 processing).ti,ab. 95. "episodic memory".ti,ab. 96. Memory, Episodic/ 97. or/84‐96 98. 83 and 97 99. randomized controlled 100. controlled clinical 101. randomized.ab. 102. placebo.ab. 103. drug therapy.fs. 104. randomly.ab. 105. trial.ab. 106. groups.ab. 107. or/99‐106 108. exp Animals/ not 109. 107 not 108 110. 98 and 109 [all results] 111. *Vitamins/ 112. *Cognition/ 113. "Aged, 80 and over"/ or Aged/ or Middle Aged/ 114. Mild Cognitive Impairment/ 115. "mild cognitive impairment".ti,ab. 116. 113 or 114 or 115 117. 111 and 112 and 116 118. 99 or 100 119. 117 and 118 [results sent directly to author team] 120. 110 not 119 [results minus those sent directly to author team. These results will be screened by the 'crowd'] | Dec 2014: 1320 Jul 2015: 53 Mar 2016: 111 Aug 2016: 103 Mar 2017: 166 Jan 2018: 120 |
Embase 1974 ‐ 24 January 2018 (Ovid SP) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
1. exp *vitamin/ 2. exp *mineral/ 3. exp diet supplementation/ 4. calcium/ 5. vitamin*.ti,ab. 6. mineral*.ti,ab. 7. cholecalciferol.ti,ab. 8. ergocalciferol.ti,ab. 9. toxiferol.ti,ab. 10. retinol.ti,ab. 11. retinal.ti,ab. 12. "retinoic acid".ti,ab. 13. vitamin D/ 14. vitamin B complex/ or vitamin B group/ 15. vitamin D/ 16. vitamin K epoxide reductase/ or vitamin K group/ 17. colecalciferol/ or calcitriol/ or calcitriol derivative/ 18. ascorbic acid/ 19. vitamin supplementation/ 20. "beta‐carotene".ti,ab. 21. beta carotene/ 22. "alpha‐carotene".ti,ab. 23. alpha carotene/ 24. "gamma‐carotene".ti,ab. 25. gamma carotene/ 26. "beta‐cryptoanthin".ti,ab. 27. thiamine.ti,ab. 28. thiamine/ 29. riboflavin.ti,ab. 30. riboflavin/ 31. niacin.ti,ab. 32. nicotinic acid/ 33. nicotinamide.ti,ab. 34. pantothenic.ti,ab. 35. pyridoxamine.ti,ab. 36. pantothenic acid/ 37. pyridoxamine/ 38. biotin.ti,ab. 39. biotin/ 40. "folic acid".ti,ab. 41. folic acid/ 42. cyanocobalamin.ti,ab. 43. cyanocobalamin/ 44. methylcobalamin.ti,ab. 45. "l‐ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 46. "ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 47. phylloquinone.ti,ab. 48. phytonadine.ti,ab. 49. phytomeadione.ti,ab. 50. multivitamin*.ti,ab. 51. "vitamin* supple*".ti,ab. 52. "diet* supplement*".ti,ab. 53. calcium.ti,ab. 54. iron.ti,ab. 55. iron/ 56. zinc.ti,ab. 57. zinc/ 58. sodium.ti,ab. 59. sodium/ 60. potassium.ti,ab. 61. citrate potassium/ or potassium/ or clavulanate potassium/ or diclofenac potassium/ 62. phosphorus.ti,ab. 63. phosphorus/ 64. magnesium.ti,ab. 65. magnesium/ 66. chloride.ti,ab. 67. chloride/ 68. sulphur.ti,ab. 69. mangansese.ti,ab. 70. cobalt.ti,ab. 71. cobalt/ 72. selenium.ti,ab. 73. selenium/ 74. copper.ti,ab. 75. copper/ 76. iodine.ti,ab. 77. fluoride.ti,ab. 78. fluoride/ 79. or/1‐78 80. aging/ 81. aged/ 82. middle aged/ 83. mild cognitive impairment/ 84. "mild cognitive impairment".ti,ab. 85. MCI.ti,ab. 86. AAMI.ti,ab. 87. ACMI.ti,ab. 88. ARCD.ti,ab. 89. CIND.ti,ab. 90. (nMCI or aMCI or mMCI or MCIa).ti,ab. 91. "middle age*".ti,ab. 92. "old* age*".ti,ab. 93. "old* adults".ti,ab. 94. "community dwelling".ti,ab. 95. "senior citizens".ti,ab. 96. seniors.ti,ab. 97. pensioners.ti,ab. 98. "aged sample".ti,ab. 99. "aged population".ti,ab. 100. or/80‐99 101. exp cognition/ 102. cognition disorders/ 103. episodic memory/ or memory/ 104. memory disorder/ 105. dementia/ 106. Alzheimer disease/ 107. dement*.ti,ab. 108. alzheimer*.ti,ab. 109. cognition.ti,ab. 110. cognitive.ti,ab. 111. or/101‐110 112. 79 and 100 and 111 113. randomized controlled trial/ 114. controlled clinical trial/ 115. placebo.ab. 116. (random* adj2 divide*).ti,ab. 117. (random* adj2 allocate*).ti,ab. 118. trial.ab. 119. "double‐blind*".ti,ab. 120. "single blind*".ti,ab. 121. or/113‐120 122. 112 and 121 123. *Cognition/ 124. exp *vitamin/ or exp *vitamin supplementation/ 125. exp *mineral/ or exp *mineral supplementation/ 126. (vitamin* or mineral*).ti. 127. 124 or 125 or 126 128. exp *aging/ 129. (elderly or "middle age*" or "old* adults" or MCI or "mild cognitive impairment").ti. 130. exp *middle aged/ 131. 128 or 129 or 130 132. 123 and 127 and 131 133. 113 or 114 134. 132 and 133 135. 122 not 134 |
Dec 2014: 1275 Jul 2015: 114 Mar 2016: 184 Aug 2016: 94 Mar 2017: 257 Jan 2018: 250 |
PsycINFO 1806 ‐ January week 2, 2018 (Ovid SP) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
1. exp Aging/ 2. exp Cognitive Impairment/ 3. "cognit* impair*".ti,ab. 4. MCI.ti,ab. 5. AAMI.ti,ab. 6. ACMI.ti,ab. 7. ARCD.ti,ab. 8. CIND.ti,ab. 9. (nMCI or aMCI or mMCI or MCIa).ti,ab. 10. "old* age*".ti,ab. 11. elderly.ti,ab. 12. "middle age*".ti,ab. 13. "old* adults".ti,ab. 14. seniors.ti,ab. 15. "senior citizens".ti,ab. 16. "community dwelling".ti,ab. 17. pensioners.ti,ab. 18. or/1‐17 19. exp Cognition/ 20. exp Dementia/ 21. 19 or 20 22. randomi?ed.ti. 23. (randomly adj2 allocat*).ab. 24. (randomly adj2 divide*).ab. 25. RCT.ti,ab. 26. "double‐blind*".ti,ab. 27. "single blind*".ti,ab. 28. "randomi?ed trial".ab. 29. "randomi?ed control* trial".ab. 30. "random allocation".ab. 31. "controlled clinical trial".ti,ab. 32. or/22‐31 33. exp Vitamins/ 34. exp Dietary Supplements/ 35. vitamin*.ti,ab. 36. mineral*.ti,ab. 37. calcium.ti,ab. 38. Calcium/ 39. exp Ascorbic Acid/ 40. exp Folic Acid/ 41. "folic acid".ti,ab. 42. cholecalciferol.ti,ab. 43. ergocalciferol.ti,ab. 44. toxiferol.ti,ab. 45. retinol.ti,ab. 46. retinal.ti,ab. 47. "retinoic acid".ti,ab. 48. "beta‐carotene".ti,ab. 49. "alpha‐carotene".ti,ab. 50. "gamma‐carotene".ti,ab. 51. "beta‐cryptoanthin".ti,ab. 52. thiamine.ti,ab. 53. riboflavin.ti,ab. 54. niacin.ti,ab. 55. nicotinamide.ti,ab. 56. pantothenic.ti,ab. 57. pyridoxine.ti,ab. 58. pyridoxal.ti,ab. 59. pyridoxamine.ti,ab. 60. biotin.ti,ab. 61. "folic acid".ti,ab. 62. cyanocobalamin.ti,ab. 63. methylcobalamin.ti,ab. 64. "l‐ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 65. "ascorbic acid".ti,ab. 66. ascorbate.ti,ab. 67. phylloquinone.ti,ab. 68. phytomeadione.ti,ab. 69. phytonadine.ti,ab. 70. multivitamin*.ti,ab. 71. "diet* supplement*".ti,ab. 72. iron.ti,ab. 73. zinc.ti,ab. 74. sodium.ti,ab. 75. potassium.ti,ab. 76. phosphorus.ti,ab. 77. magnesium.ti,ab. 78. chloride.ti,ab. 79. sulphur.ti,ab. 80. mangansese.ti,ab. 81. cobalt.ti,ab. 82. selenium.ti,ab. 83. copper.ti,ab. 84. iodine.ti,ab. 85. fluoride.ti,ab. 86. 18 or 21 87. or/33‐85 88. 86 and 87 89. 32 and 88 90. exp *Vitamins/ 91. (vitamin* or mineral*).ti. 92. 90 or 91 93. exp *Cognition/ 94. (cognition or cognitive).ti. 95. 93 or 94 96. (elderly or "middle age*" or "old* adults" or MCI or "mild cognitive impairment").ti. 97. 92 and 95 and 96 98. (randomised or randomised or RCT or trial).ti. 99. 97 and 98 100. 89 not 99 |
Dec 2014: 202 Jul 2015: 15 Mar 2016: 10 Aug 2016: 0 Mar 2017: 14 Jan 2018: 9 |
CINAHL (EBSCOhost) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
S1 (MM “Vitamins+") S2 (MM “Minerals+") S3 (MH "Dietary Supplements") OR (MH "Dietary Supplementation") OR (MH "Dietary Carbohydrates") OR (MH "Dietary Fiber") OR (MH "Sodium, Dietary") OR (MH "Dietary Fats") OR (MH "Dietary Proteins") OR (MH "Dietary Sucrose”) S4 TX vitamin* S5 TX mineral* S6 TX “diet* supple*” S7 (MH "Fatty Acids") OR (MH "Fatty Acids, Omega‐6") OR (MH "Fatty Acids, Unsaturated") OR (MH "Trans Fatty Acids") OR (MH "Fatty Acids, Monounsaturated") OR (MH "Fatty Acids, Saturated") OR (MH "Fatty Acids, Essential”) S8 TX “fatty acid*” S9 (MH "Vitamin A”) S10 (MH "Vitamin B12") OR (MH "Vitamin B Complex") OR (MH "Thiamine") OR (MH "Riboflavin") OR (MH "Pyridoxine") OR (MH “Carnitine") S11 (MH "Folic Acid”) S12 (MH "Ascorbic Acid”) S13 (MH "Vitamin D") OR (MH "Cholecalciferol") OR (MH "Ergocalciferols") OR (MH “Calcitriol") S14 (MH "Vitamin E") OR (MH "Pantothenic Acid”) S15 (MH "Vitamin K") OR (MH “Osteocalcin") S16 TX “beta‐carotene" S17 TX “alpha‐carotene" S18 TX thiamine S19 TX riboflavin S20 TX niacin S21 TX pantothenic S22 TX nicotinamide S23 TX pyridoxine S24 TX pyridoxal S25 TX biotin S26 (MH “Calcium") S27 TX calcium S28 TX iron S29 (MH “iron”) S30 (MH “Zinc”) S31 TX zinc S32 (MH “Sodium”) S33 TX sodium S34 (MH “Potassium") S35 TX potassium S36 (MH “Phosphorus") S37 TX phosphorus S38 (MH “Magnesium") S39 TX magnesium S40 (MH "Sodium Chloride, Dietary”) S41 TX chloride S42 TX sulphur S43 TX cobalt S44 TX selenium S45 TX copper S46 TX iodine S47 TX flouride S48 S1 OR S2 OR S3 OR S4 OR S5 OR S6 OR S7 OR S8 OR S9 OR S10 OR S11 OR S12 OR S13 OR S14 OR S15 OR S16 OR S17 OR S18 OR S19 OR S20 OR S21 OR S22 OR S23 OR S24 OR S25 OR S26 OR S27 OR S28 OR S29 OR S30 OR S31 OR S32 OR S33 OR S34 OR S35 OR S36 OR S37 OR S38 OR S39 OR S40 OR S41 OR S42 OR S43 OR S44 OR S45 OR S46 OR S47 S49 (MH “Aging") S50 (MH "Aged") OR (MH "Aged, 80 and Over”) S51 (MH "Middle Age”) S52 TX "Mild Cognitive Impairment” S53 TX MCI OR AAMI OR ACMI OR ARCD OR CIND S54 TX nMCI OR aMCI OR mMCI OR MCIa S55 TX elderly S56 TX "old* adults” S57 TX "old* age*” S58 TX pensioners S59 TX "community dwelling” S60 TX seniors S61 TX "senior citizen*” S62 TX "age* sample” S63 TX "age* population” S64 S49 OR S50 OR S51 OR S52 OR S53 OR S54 OR S55 OR S56 OR S57 OR S58 OR S59 OR S60 OR S61 OR S62 OR S63 S65 S48 AND S64 S66 (MH "Cognition") OR (MH "Cognition Disorders") OR (MH "Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic, Cognitive Disorders”) S67 TX cognition S68 TX memory S69 (MH "Memory") OR (MH "Memory Disorders") OR (MH "Memory, Short Term”) S70 TX "executive function” S71 TX "cognitive* declin*” S72 TX "cognitive* improv*” S73 TX "cognitive deficit*” S74 TX "mental perform*” S75 TX dementia S76 TX alzheimer* S77 (MH “Dementia+") S78 S66 OR S67 OR S68 OR S69 OR S70 OR S71 OR S72 OR S73 OR S74 OR S75 OR S76 OR S77 S79 S65 AND S78 S80 (MH "Randomized Controlled Trials”) S81 AB randomly S82 AB placebo S83 AB groups S84 AB RCT S85 TX "double blind*” S86 TX "single blind*” S87 TX "controlled clinical trial” S88 TI randomised S89 TI randomized S90 S80 OR S81 OR S82 OR S83 OR S84 OR S85 OR S86 OR S87 OR S88 S91 S79 AND S90 |
Dec 2014: 493 Jul 2015: 7 Mar 2016: 35 Aug 2016: 15 Mar 2017: 24 Jan 2018: 23 |
ISI Web of Science (includes: Web of Science (1945 ‐ present); BIOSIS Previews (1926 ‐ present); MEDLINE (1950 ‐ present); Journal Citation Reports); BIOSIS Previews (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
("mild cognitive impairment" OR elderly OR "age* subjects" OR "old* adult*" OR "middle age*" OR MCI) AND TOPIC: ("randomly allocated" OR "random allocation" OR randomised OR randomized OR RCT OR "controlled trial" OR "double blind" OR "single blind") AND TOPIC: (vitamin* OR mineral* OR "diet* suppl*" OR "ascorbic acid" OR "folic acid" OR iron OR calcium OR sodium OR zinc OR potassium OR magnesium OR cobalt OR copper OR iodine) AND TOPIC: (cognition OR dementia OR memory OR "executive function" OR alzheimer*) Timespan: All years. Search language = Auto |
Dec 2014: 932 Jul 2015: 34 Mar 2016: 100 Aug 2016: 43 Mar 2017: 67 Jan 2018: 55 |
LILACS (BIREME) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
cognition OR "mild cognitive impairment" OR elderly OR "aged subjects" OR "older adults" OR "middle aged" [Words] and randomly OR randomised OR randomized OR RCT OR "controlled trial" [Words] and vitamin OR vitamins OR mineral OR minerals OR "fatty acid" OR "folic acid" [Words] | Dec 2014: 28 Jul 2015: 0 Mar 2016: 0 Aug 2016: 1 Mar 2017: 0 Jan 2018: 0 |
CENTRAL (via CRSO) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
#1 MeSH descriptor: [Aged, 80 and over] explode all trees #2 MeSH descriptor: [Aged] explode all trees #3 MeSH descriptor: [Middle Aged] explode all trees #4 MeSH descriptor: [Mild Cognitive Impairment] explode all trees #5 "cognit* impair*" or MCI #6 elderly #7 "old* adults" #8 "old* age*" #9 "old* sample" #10 senior citizens #11 pensioners #12 seniors #13 #1 or #2 or #3 or #4 or #5 or #6 or #7 or #8 or #9 or #10 or #11 or #12 #14 MeSH descriptor: [Cognition] explode all trees #15 MeSH descriptor: [Dementia] explode all trees #16 cognit* #17 memory #18 "executive function*" #19 processing #20 "mental perform*" #21 dement* #22 alzheimer* #23 #14 or #15 or #16 or #17 or #18 or #19 or #20 or #21 or #22 #24 MeSH descriptor: [Vitamins] explode all trees #25 MeSH descriptor: [Minerals] explode all trees #26 vitamin* #27 mineral* #28 "ascorbic acid" #29 "folic acid" #30 MeSH descriptor: [Fatty Acids] explode all trees #31 zinc or iron or calcium or sodium or potassium or magnesium or cobalt or copper or selenium or iodine or flouride or chloride #32 "beta‐carotene" #33 "alpha‐carotene" #34 thiamine #35 riboflavin #36 niacin #37 biotin #38 pantothenic #39 nicotinamide #40 pyridoxal #41 "diet* suppl*" #42 #26 or #27 or #28 or #29 or #30 or #31 or #32 or #33 or #34 or #35 or #36 or #37 or #38 or #39 or #40 or #41 #43 #13 and #23 and #42 |
Dec 2014: 395 Jul 2015: 10 Mar 2016: 50 Aug 2016: 48 Mar 2017: 90 Jan 2018: 54 | ( (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
In Intervention studies: [intervention] vitamin* OR mineral* OR "diet* suppl*" OR "ascorbic acid" OR "folic acid" OR iron OR calcium OR sodium OR zinc OR potassium OR magnesium OR cobalt OR copper OR iodine AND [condition]: cognition OR "mild cognitive impairment" OR elderly OR "aged subjects" OR "older adults" OR "middle aged" Trial Status: all |
Dec 2014: 147 Jul 2015: 0 Mar 2016: 2 Aug 2016: 0 Mar 2017: 6 Jan 2018: 8 |
ICTRP Search Portal ( (includes: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry;; ISRCTN; Chinese Clinical Trial Registry; Clinical Trials Registry – India; Clinical Research Information Service – Republic of Korea; German Clinical Trials Register; Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials; Japan Primary Registries Network; Pan African Clinical Trial Registry; Sri Lanka Clinical Trials Registry; The Netherlands National Trial Register) (Date of most recent search: 25 January 2018) |
In Intervention studies: [intervention] vitamin* OR mineral* OR "diet* suppl*" OR "ascorbic acid" OR "folic acid" OR iron OR calcium OR sodium OR zinc OR potassium OR magnesium OR cobalt OR copper OR iodine AND [condition]: cognition OR "mild cognitive impairment" OR elderly OR "aged subjects" OR "older adults" OR "middle aged" Trial Status: all |
Dec 2014: 25 Jul 2015: 0 Mar 2016: 2 Aug 2016: 0 Mar 2017: 4 Jan 2018: 2 |
TOTAL before de‐duplication | Dec 2014: 5071 Jul 2015: 233 Mar 2016: 496 Aug 2016: 304 Mar 2017: 631 Jan 2018: 522 TOTAL: 7257 |
TOTAL after de‐duplication | Dec 2014: 3451 Jul 2015: 200 Mar 2016: 399 Aug 2016: 208 Mar 2017: 522 Jan 2018: 431 TOTAL: 5211 |
TOTAL after first assessment by the Crowd and CDCIG information specialists | Dec 2014: 448 Jul 2015: 81 Mar 2016: 70 Aug 2016: 45 Mar 2017: 43 Jan 2018: 38 TOTAL: 725 |