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. 2019 Jan 17;85(3):601–615. doi: 10.1111/bcp.13838

Table 2.

Parameter estimates of the base model, final model and bootstrap analysis

Parameter Base model (RSE %) [shrinkage] Final model (RSE %) [shrinkage] Starting dose model (RSE %) [shrinkage]
t lag (h) 0.29 (17) 0.38 (49) 0.39 (12)
k a (l h –1 ) 3.26 (19) 3.58 (40) 3.70 (13)
CL/F (l h –1 ) 25.9 (3) 23.0 (3) 22.5 (3)
V 1 /F (l) 655 (7) 692 (8) 685 (5)
Q/F (l h –1 ) 10.5 (7) 11.6 (10) 10.6 (6)
V 2 /F (l) 6320 (14) 5340 (22) 6590 (14)
Covariate effect on CL
CYP3A5*1 1.63 (15) 1.62 (14)
CYP3A4*22 0.80 (32) 0.81 (36)
Haematocrit (l l –1 ) −0.76 (11)
Creatinine (μmol l –1 ) −0.14 (26)
Albumin (g l –1 ) 0.43 (30)
Age (years) −0.43 (19) −0.50 (15)
BSA (m 2 ) 0.88 (24) 0.72 (29)
Covariate effect on V 1
Lean bodyweight (kg) 1.52 (20)
IIV (%)
CL/F 46.3 (5) 10 38.6 (6) 8 39.4 (6) 10
V 1 /F 50.2 (11) 19 49.2 (7) 25 54.0 (11) 19
V 2 /F 52.3 (14) 38 53.0 (16) 39 53.7 (13) 40
Q/F 79.6 (12) 29 78.7 (11) 28 79.6 (11) 29
IOV (%)
CL/F 15.1 (9) 13.6 (10) 14.6 (9)
Residual variability
Proportional (%)
Immunoassay 16.6 (6) 26 17.7 (7) 22 16.9 (6) 25
LC–MS/MS 24.7 (5) 12 24.5 (5) 12 24.4 (5) 12
Additive Immunoassay (μg l –1 ) 1.02 (9) 26 0.88 (13) 22 1.02 (10) 25

CL, clearance; CYP, cytochrome P450; F, bioavailability of oral tacrolimus; IIV, interindividual variability; IOV, interoccasion variability; Ka, absorption rate constant; LC–MS/MS, liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry; OFV, objective function value; Q, intercompartmental clearance of tacrolimus; RSE, residual standard error; tlag, lag time; V1, central compartment for tacrolimus; V2, peripheral compartment for tacrolimus