Table 1.
Plant compounds used as adjuvants in vaccine formulations against coccidial parasites.
Type of compound | Adjuvant | Antigen/s | Pathogen | Animal model | Route of adm. | Results | References |
Saponins | Quil A | rRop2 | T. gondii | DomesticCats | I.N. | Did not protect against oocyst shedding | (54) |
Saponins | Quil A | rNcRop2,rNcRop4,rNcGra7,rNcNTPasa | N. caninum | PregnantBALB/c mice | I.P. | Increased pup survival and specific immune response | (55) |
Saponins | QCDCQCDC RT | rProfilin | E. acervulina | BroilerChickens | S.C. | Increased body weight gain, CD4+/CD8+ and TCR1+/TCR2+ ratios and specific antibodies production. Decreased intestinal lesions | (56) |
Saponins | QCDCQCDC R | rProfilin | E. acervulina | Chickens | S.C. | Increased body weight gain and mitogen-induced lymphocyte production. Decreased intestinal lesions. No effect on oocyst shedding | (57) |
Saponins | Quil A | Crude rhoptry proteins | T. gondii | Cats | I.N.R. | Increased IgGs, no correlation with oocyst shedding | (58) |
Saponins | Quil A | Crude rhoptry proteins | T. gondii | Pigs | I.N. | Increased local and systemic immune response (IgG, IgA, IgM). Conferred partial protection against brain cyst formation | (59) |
Saponins | Quil A | rTgRop2 | T. gondii | BALB/c mice | I.N. | Increased IgG, IgM, IgA and lymphoproliferation | (60) |
Saponins | QCDC | rProfilin | E. maxima | ChickenEmbryos | (n.e.) | Increased body weight gain. Decreased oocyst shedding | (61) |
Saponins | QCDC | rProfilin | E. acervulina | Broiler chickens | S.C. | Increased IgGs. No effect on oocyst shedding | (62) |
Saponins | Quil A | rGST-SAG3 | T. gondii | BALB/cmice | I.P. | Increased survival rate, IgG2a, number of TCD8+ cells, IFN-γ Mrna and nitric oxide release. Decreased number of cysts in brain tissue | (63) |
Saponins | Quil A | Crude rhoptry proteins | T. gondii | Cats | I.N. | Decreased oocyst shedding | (64) |
Saponins | Quil A | N. caninum tachyzoites or parasite lysate | N. caninum | BALB/cmice | S.C. | Decreased symptoms of cerebral neosporosis | (65) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | rNcSAG1rNcHsp20rNcGRA7 | N. caninum | Pregnant cattle | S.C. | Increased IgGs.Failed to prevent fetal infection | (66) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | Native antigen extract from Nc-6 strain | N. caninum | Pregnant heifers | S.C. | Highly immunogenic, failed to prevent fetal infection | (67) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | N. caninum live tachyzoites or native antigen extract | N. caninum | Cattle | S.C. | Increased total IgGs and IgG1No effect on IFN-γ productionNo effect on parasitaemia | (68) |
Saponins | ISCOMs from native plants | E. tenella total antigens | E. tenella | Broiler chickens | I.N. | Increased IgGs Conferred protection against infection | (69) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | Sporozoite antigens | E. tenella | Broiler chickens | I.N. | Decreased lesion score and oocyst shedding | (70) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | rNcSRS2 | N. caninum | BALB/c mice | S.C. | Decreased parasitaemia, parasite load in brain and clinical symptoms of disease | (71) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | Crude rhoptry proteins | T. gondii | Pigs | S.C. | Partial protection against chronic infection | (72) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | T. gondii native antigens | T. gondii | Sheep | S.C. | Increased IgG, IgA and antigen-stimulated lymphoproliferation | (73) |
Saponins | ISCOMs | Sporozoite surface antigen (AgP27) | E. falciformis | BALB/c mice | O | Partial protection against oocyst challenge | (74) |
PS | AstE, LenE, TreE | Live vaccine | E. tenella | Broiler chickens | D.S. | Increased total body weight gain. Conferred partial protection against infection | (75) |
PS | Water-soluble extract of A. membranaceus | UV-attenuated T. gondii |
T. gondii | ICR mice | I.P. | Increased Th1immune response and survival time, decreased parasite burden and histopathological score | (76) |
PS | Providean-AVEC® | Total soluble antigens (SNcAg) | N. caninum | BALB/c mice | S.C. | Limited multiplication of the parasite. Activated dendritic cells and enhanced immune response | (77) |
PS | Providean-AVEC® | Total soluble antigens (SNcAg) | N. caninum | Cattle | S.C. | Increased humoral and cellular immune response | (78) |
Lectin | ScLLArtinM | Used as Chemotherapeutics | T. gondii | C57BL/6 mice | I.P. | Decreased parasite burden in brain. Increased secretion of cytokines and survival rate | (79) |
Lectin | ScLL | Neospora lysate antigen (NLA) | N. caninum | C57BL/6 mice | S.C. | Increased IgG1, total IgGs and increased survival rate. Decreased parasite burden. No effect in IgG2a production | (80) |
Lectin | ArtinMJacalin | Neospora lysate antigen (NLA) | N. caninum | C57BL/6 mice | S.C. | ArtinM+NLA increased total IgG and IgG2a/IgG1 ratio. Conferred partial protection from N. caninum infectionJacalin+NLA only mild effects, failed to protect mice against infection | (81) |
I.N., intranasal; I.P., intraperitoneal; S.C., subcutaneous; R, rectal; O, oral; D.S., diet supplement; PS, polysaccharides; AstE, Astragalus membranaceous extract; LenE, Lentinus edodes extract; TreE, Tremella fuciformis extract.