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. 2019 Feb 12;6:20. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2019.00020

Table 1.

Plant compounds used as adjuvants in vaccine formulations against coccidial parasites.

Type of compound Adjuvant Antigen/s Pathogen Animal model Route of adm. Results References
Saponins Quil A rRop2 T. gondii DomesticCats I.N. Did not protect against oocyst shedding (54)
Saponins Quil A rNcRop2,rNcRop4,rNcGra7,rNcNTPasa N. caninum PregnantBALB/c mice I.P. Increased pup survival and specific immune response (55)
Saponins QCDCQCDC RT rProfilin E. acervulina BroilerChickens S.C. Increased body weight gain, CD4+/CD8+ and TCR1+/TCR2+ ratios and specific antibodies production. Decreased intestinal lesions (56)
Saponins QCDCQCDC R rProfilin E. acervulina Chickens S.C. Increased body weight gain and mitogen-induced lymphocyte production. Decreased intestinal lesions. No effect on oocyst shedding (57)
Saponins Quil A Crude rhoptry proteins T. gondii Cats I.N.R. Increased IgGs, no correlation with oocyst shedding (58)
Saponins Quil A Crude rhoptry proteins T. gondii Pigs I.N. Increased local and systemic immune response (IgG, IgA, IgM). Conferred partial protection against brain cyst formation (59)
Saponins Quil A rTgRop2 T. gondii BALB/c mice I.N. Increased IgG, IgM, IgA and lymphoproliferation (60)
Saponins QCDC rProfilin E. maxima ChickenEmbryos (n.e.) Increased body weight gain. Decreased oocyst shedding (61)
Saponins QCDC rProfilin E. acervulina Broiler chickens S.C. Increased IgGs. No effect on oocyst shedding (62)
Saponins Quil A rGST-SAG3 T. gondii BALB/cmice I.P. Increased survival rate, IgG2a, number of TCD8+ cells, IFN-γ Mrna and nitric oxide release. Decreased number of cysts in brain tissue (63)
Saponins Quil A Crude rhoptry proteins T. gondii Cats I.N. Decreased oocyst shedding (64)
Saponins Quil A N. caninum tachyzoites or parasite lysate N. caninum BALB/cmice S.C. Decreased symptoms of cerebral neosporosis (65)
Saponins ISCOMs rNcSAG1rNcHsp20rNcGRA7 N. caninum Pregnant cattle S.C. Increased IgGs.Failed to prevent fetal infection (66)
Saponins ISCOMs Native antigen extract from Nc-6 strain N. caninum Pregnant heifers S.C. Highly immunogenic, failed to prevent fetal infection (67)
Saponins ISCOMs N. caninum live tachyzoites or native antigen extract N. caninum Cattle S.C. Increased total IgGs and IgG1No effect on IFN-γ productionNo effect on parasitaemia (68)
Saponins ISCOMs from native plants E. tenella total antigens E. tenella Broiler chickens I.N. Increased IgGs Conferred protection against infection (69)
Saponins ISCOMs Sporozoite antigens E. tenella Broiler chickens I.N. Decreased lesion score and oocyst shedding (70)
Saponins ISCOMs rNcSRS2 N. caninum BALB/c mice S.C. Decreased parasitaemia, parasite load in brain and clinical symptoms of disease (71)
Saponins ISCOMs Crude rhoptry proteins T. gondii Pigs S.C. Partial protection against chronic infection (72)
Saponins ISCOMs T. gondii native antigens T. gondii Sheep S.C. Increased IgG, IgA and antigen-stimulated lymphoproliferation (73)
Saponins ISCOMs Sporozoite surface antigen (AgP27) E. falciformis BALB/c mice O Partial protection against oocyst challenge (74)
PS AstE, LenE, TreE Live vaccine E. tenella Broiler chickens D.S. Increased total body weight gain. Conferred partial protection against infection (75)
PS Water-soluble extract of A. membranaceus UV-attenuated
T. gondii
T. gondii ICR mice I.P. Increased Th1immune response and survival time, decreased parasite burden and histopathological score (76)
PS Providean-AVEC® Total soluble antigens (SNcAg) N. caninum BALB/c mice S.C. Limited multiplication of the parasite. Activated dendritic cells and enhanced immune response (77)
PS Providean-AVEC® Total soluble antigens (SNcAg) N. caninum Cattle S.C. Increased humoral and cellular immune response (78)
Lectin ScLLArtinM Used as Chemotherapeutics T. gondii C57BL/6 mice I.P. Decreased parasite burden in brain. Increased secretion of cytokines and survival rate (79)
Lectin ScLL Neospora lysate antigen (NLA) N. caninum C57BL/6 mice S.C. Increased IgG1, total IgGs and increased survival rate. Decreased parasite burden. No effect in IgG2a production (80)
Lectin ArtinMJacalin Neospora lysate antigen (NLA) N. caninum C57BL/6 mice S.C. ArtinM+NLA increased total IgG and IgG2a/IgG1 ratio. Conferred partial protection from N. caninum infectionJacalin+NLA only mild effects, failed to protect mice against infection (81)

I.N., intranasal; I.P., intraperitoneal; S.C., subcutaneous; R, rectal; O, oral; D.S., diet supplement; PS, polysaccharides; AstE, Astragalus membranaceous extract; LenE, Lentinus edodes extract; TreE, Tremella fuciformis extract.