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. 2019 Feb 11;201(5):e00595-18. doi: 10.1128/JB.00595-18


Strain selection and genome characteristicsa

Strain identifier GenBank accession no. Strain name Source Date acquired (mo/yr) Genome size (bp) % GC content N50
PAO1-2017-A QZFW00000000 H103 PAO-1 AK957 R. Hancock, University of British Columbia 02/2000 6,218,105 66.57 277,905
PAO1-2017-B QZFX00000000 PAO-1 J. Burns, University of Washington 02/2000 6,200,122 66.56 61,263
PAO1-2017-C QZFY00000000 PAO-1 (B. Iglewski) E. P. Greenberg, University of Washington 10/2000 6,219,177 66.57 277,884
PAO1-2017-D QZFZ00000000 PAO-1 (B. Holloway) D. Ohman, Virginia Commonwealth University 05/2001 6,229,074 66.53 151,244
PAO1-2017-E QZGA00000000 MPAO-1 (C. Manoil) C. Manoil, University of Washington 01/2003 6,221,774 66.57 263,062
PAO1-2017-F QZGB00000000 PAO-1 V J. Goldberg, University of Virginia 07/2003 6,219,532 66.57 160,862
PAO1-2017-G QZGC00000000 PAO-1 H. Nikaido, University of California, Berkeley 08/2003 6,218,750 66.57 171,105
PAO1-2017-H QZGD00000000 PAO-1 A. Prince, Columbia University 11/2003 6,217,973 66.57 172,630
PAO1-2017-I QZGE00000000 MPAO-1 (C. Manoil) C. Manoil, University of Washington 08/2008 6,218,510 66.57 233,461
ATCC 15692 NZ_CP017149.1 PAO-1 ATCC 12/2017 6,276,434 66.50

Each PAO1 subline was given a strain identifier based on the date that it was acquired (earliest to latest). The source represents the collaborator from which the strain was received. The names in parentheses represent the lab from which the strain originated. Strain ATCC 15692 genome data were acquired from GenBank (accession number NZ_CP017149.1). All PAO1-2017 subline accession numbers are associated with BioProject accession number PRJNA490649.