Figure 1.
A cross-lagged path model showing the standardized path coefficients for relating exposure to ethnic–political violence and overall aggressive behavior in Wave 1 to the same measures 2 years later in Wave 3 controlling for participant’s gender and family socioeconomic status. The parameters are estimated for the sample of 1,501 participants using full information maximum likelihood. Estimating the model with ethnic group as a subgroup moderator resulted in a worse fitting model (Akaike information criterion = 164.68) as did estimating the model with age as a subgroup moderator (Akaike information criterion = 162.58). The cross-lagged standardized regression coefficient for predicting aggression at Wave 3 from exposure to violence at Wave 1 is significantly greater than the coefficient for predicting exposure to violence at Wave 3 from aggression at Wave 1, χ2 (1) = 6.14, p < .014.