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. 2019 Feb 7;79(2):123. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-019-6620-z

Table 5.

Variations of the Pw+Py8 setup used for the comparison with the measurements. The values changed with respect to the CUETP8M2T4 tune are given in the columns corresponding to each model. Further details on parameters or specificities of the models can be found in Refs. [4, 5, 17, 32, 3234, 73]. For the Rope hadronization model two variations are considered: one with no CR and the other with the default CR model. The settings for the former are denoted in parenthesis in the last column

Parameter Pw+Py8 simulation setups
CUETP8M2T4 Extreme variations Fine grain variations
MPI/CR Parton shower scale CR including tt¯
no no UE ISR FSR ERD QCD Gluon Rope (no CR)
MPI CR up/down up/down up/down on based [32] move [5] [33, 34]
   MPI on off
   renormMultFac 1.0 4/0.25
   alphaSvalue 0.1108
   renormMultFac 1.0 4/0.25
   alphaSvalue 0.1365
   pT0Ref 2.2 2.20/2.128 2.174 2.3
   ecmPow 0.2521 0.2521
   expPow 1.6 1.711/1.562 1.312 1.35
   reconnect on off (off)
   range 6.59 6.5/8.7
   mode 0 1 2
   junctionCorrection 0.1222
   timeDilationPar 15.86
   m0 1.204
   flipMode 0
   m2Lambda 1.89
   fracGluon 1
   dLambdaCut 0
   setVertex on
   RopeHadronization on
   doShoving on
   doFlavour on
   earlyResDec off on on on on