Comparison of wild type Pax3 RNA level. (a) Comparison of wild-type Pax3 RNA levels in MSCs and ASCs of different species. RNA was extracted from human MSCs, mouse MSCs, mouse ASCs, horse ASCs, pig MSCs, and sheep MSCs. Pax3 was measured by qRT-PCR, and its level was normalized against the internal control, Gapdh. Pax3 and Gapdh primers annealing to the conserved sequences among these species were used. (b) Comparison of Pax3 RNA expression during muscle differentiation in mouse bone marrow-derived MSCs and mouse ASCs, with human MSCs. (c) Comparison of Pax3 RNA expression during muscle differentiation in sheep MSCs, pig MSCs, and horse ASCs, with human MSCs. RNA was extracted from samples harvested every other day from day 2 to day 22. *, p < 0.05; **, p < 0.01; ***, p < 0.001.