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. 2018 Aug 7;21(3):392–403. doi: 10.1093/neuonc/noy124

Table 2.

Multivariable Cox regression models for risk of meningioma by demographic and treatment-related risk factors (model 1) and by age at diagnosis/cranial radiotherapy dose (model 2), and cranial radiotherapy volume/dose (model 3) combinationsa

N Total N Cases Model 1 Model 2 Model 3
HR 95% CI HR 95% CI HR 95% CI
 Male 3269 47 REF REF REF
 Female 2574 50 1.36 0.91–2.04 1.36 0.91–2.04 1.37 0.92–2.06
Age at diagnosis
 0–4 y 2641 46 2.38 1.39–4.07 2.35 1.40–3.96
 5–9 y 1583 26 1.09 0.62–1.91 1.10 0.63–1.94
 10–17 y 1619 25 REF REF
CrRT exposure
 No CrRT 4525 3 0.04 0.01–0.15
 1–19 Gy 324 10 REF
 20–39 Gy 445 48 1.66 0.83–3.33
 40+ Gy 493 35 2.81 1.30–6.08
Exposed cranial volume
 Partial CrRT REF
 Full CrRT 1.66 0.86–3.22 1.40 0.73–2.66
 No 5396 88 REF REF REF
 Yes 409 9 3.55 1.62–7.78 4.26 1.95–9.31 4.31 1.97–9.45
CrRT exposure (age/dose)
 No CrRT 4525 3 0.01 0.00–0.05
 0–4 y / ≤25 Gy 313 31 REF
 0–4 y / >25 Gy 153 15 1.84 0.95–3.56
 5+ y / ≤25 Gy 382 23 0.47 0.27–0.81
 5+ y / >25 Gy 414 24 0.61 0.33–1.13
CrRT exposure (volume/dose)
 No CrRT 4525 3 0.01 0.00–0.05
 Partial CrRTb / ≤25 Gy 13 0 REF
 Partial CrRTb / >25 Gy 300 14
 Full CrRT / ≤25 Gy 682 54 1.03 0.56–1.89
 Full CrRT / >25 Gy 267 25 1.45 0.75–2.83

Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval; CrRT = cranial radiotherapy; Gy = Gray; HR = Hazard Ratio; N = number; REF = reference category.

aModels include only 96 meningioma cases due to missing values.

bDose groups were collapsed.