Fig. 2.
Microscale diffusivity mapping in CORT + DFP treated rats. Group differences in microscale diffusivity is shown in panel A. Statistically significant differences between controls and DFP treated rats are shown in the clusters with yellow color encodings. Green clusters are overlapped to the yellow clusters and indicates differences between controls and CORT-treated rats. Red clusters are overlapped to the previous two clusters and show differences between controls and CORT + DFP treated rats. We confirmed that diffusion encoding length at 10 lm had more sensitivity to detect statistically significant group differences in between controls and CORT + DFP treated rats as shown in the second row of panel A. Generalized fractional anisotropy maps revealed distinct patterns with lower statistical thresholds compared to the micro diffusivity maps (third row in panel A). Panel B shows quantification of micro diffusivities in the frontal cortex and the hippocampus. In both graphs, white and black bar in Veh section shows average micro-diffusivity value of each region of interest in saline and DFP accordingly. Also, white and black bar in CORT section shows average micro-diffusivity value of each region of interest in CORT and CORT + DFP. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)