Figure 2. Behavioral strategies of Drosophila larvae during anemotaxis.
Behavioral strategies in anemotaxis in control attP2>TNT (the same is shown for attP2-attP40>TNT in Figure S1). A compass in which 0° indicates the direction down the gradient (downwind) and 180° up the gradient (upwind) was used to keep track of larval direction during runs and turns as a function of the wind-speed spatial gradient.
A. Relative probability of headings during runs. B. Speed versus heading during runs C. Mean heading change in runs D. Turn rate versus heading E. Turn size versus heading F. Distribution of turns from perpendicular direction G. Distribution of head sweeps from perpendicular direction H. Probability of starting a run during a head sweep A-E Values are mean and s.e.m. F-H. In the box plot the median is indicated by the horizontal line. Box boundaries represent first and third quartiles, whiskers extend to the most extreme data points not considered outliers. The outliers are indicated by red +. *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***:<p<0.001 (p-values can be found in Data S1 and the N of animals in Table S2). See also Figure S1 and Data S3.