Fig. 4.
Effect of strain amplitude on impulse conduction. a Upper panel: APECs recorded by electrodes I to VI during action potential propagation from left to right under control (dashed line) and strained conditions (solid line). Lower panel: Magnified view of the signals recorded by electrodes III and IV that straddle the positive strain zone show an increase of the activation time difference (ATD) by 2.7% during application of 10.1% strain. b Experimental strain protocol depicting the actuation voltages for the DEA (black) together with the measured response of the polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate in the positive (dark red) and negative strain (light blue) zones. c Modulation of ATD in the Zε+ region for different strain amplitudes (Vε = 1–4 kV according to color scheme); ATD decrease in the Zε− region is shown for Vε = 3.6 kV only (light blue). d Continuous determinations of downstroke times (tDS) as recorded by electrodes III and IV at maximal strain amplitude (Vε = 4 kV). All data were obtained from a single preparation