Figure 6.
PL→avBST pathway involvement in passive coping behavior. a, Confocal fluorescent image of an example tracer placement in avBST. b–d, Blue shaded regions in avBST indicate areas of overlap common to all tracer injections (N = 6) and their approximate extent of diffusion into adjacent structures. ac, Anterior commissure; dl, dorsolateral subdivision of the avBST; dm, dorsomedial subdivision of the avBST; fu, fusiform subdivision of the avBST; ic, internal capsule; LPO, lateral preoptic area; mg, magnocellular subdivision of the posterior BST; MPN, median preoptic nucleus; MPO, medial preoptic area; och, optic chiasm; PS, parastrial nucleus; rh, rhomboid subdivision of the posterior BST; v3, third ventricle. Scale bars: a, 300 μm; b–d, 400 μm. Rats in e–h were subjected to the shock probe defensive burying test for 10 min and perfused 90 min thereafter. e, Inset, Schematic diagram of Fluoro-gold injection site in avBST with arrow indicating retrograde transport of tracer to PL. Retrogradely labeled neurons in PL are displayed in blue and Fos-immunoreactive nuclei in red. Scale bar: (in f) e, f, 100 μm. The number of Fos immunolocalizations in retrogradely labeled PL neurons correlated with the length of time immobile (g) but not with the extent of burying behavior (h).