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. 2019 Feb;222:335–345. doi: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2018.12.017

Table 1.

Fixed-effects regression estimates showing the relationship between the quantity/frequency of fruit and vegetable consumption, and mental well-being, as measured using a reversed form of the GHQ-12 (reversed GHQ-12).

Dependent variable: Reversed GHQ-12
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Portions of fruit and veg per day (on a typical day when at least one portion is consumed) 0.116*** 0.118*** 0.133***
(0.0217) (0.0220) (0.0245)
Days each week eat fruit (reference is never)
1–3 days 0.259***
4–6 days 0.423***
Every day 0.613***
Days each week eat vegetables (reference is never)
1–3 days 0.518***
4–6 days 0.803***
Every day 0.925***
Age −0.112 −0.115 −0.202**
(0.136) (0.148) (0.0801)
Age2 0.00242*** 0.00253*** 0.00225***
(0.000355) (0.000405) (0.000215)
Income (prev month) 0.00000258 0.00000477 0.0000109
(1.39e-05) (1.49e-05) (9.53e-06)
Married 0.157 0.255 0.0266
(0.184) (0.193) (0.119)
Divorced −0.245 −0.231 −0.135
(0.267) (0.294) (0.166)
Widowed −0.591* −0.682* −0.825***
(0.352) (0.409) (0.218)
Number of children −0.0846 −0.103 −0.0325
(0.0635) (0.0686) (0.0424)
Employment status (reference is self-employed)
Employed −0.310** −0.367** −0.185*
(0.155) (0.168) (0.105)
Unemployed −1.952*** −1.903*** −1.803***
(0.203) (0.220) (0.139)
Inactive −0.921*** −0.746*** −0.773***
(0.172) (0.185) (0.117)
Currently a smoker −0.247*
Days walked 10 min 0.0175***
Long standing health condition −0.568***
Dairy consumption dummies No No Yes No
Bread consumption dummies No No Yes No
Education dummies No Yes Yes Yes
Time (wave) dummies No Yes Yes Yes
24.44*** 23.71*** 23.77*** 27.79***
Observations 79608 77913 66042 114560
R2 0.001 0.008 0.013 0.01
Number of unique individuals 52182 51456 45600 58137

Standard errors in parentheses. ***p < 0.01, **p < 0.05, *p < 0.1.

Notes: The four fixed-effects regressions in this table assess the impact of within-person changes in fruit and vegetable consumption on mental well-being, as measured by the reversed GHQ-12. (1) includes only a measure of the number of portions consumed on a day where at least one portion is consumed. (2) and (3) add variables for demographics, lifestyle/health, and consumption of bread/dairy. These three regressions use Waves 2 and 5 of the UKHLS. (4) uses the general form of (2), but measures fruit consumption frequency and vegetable consumption frequency across three Waves (2, 5, and 7). Additional controls on lifestyle/health and consumption of other foods were not available for all three Waves. All models show significant positive relationships between fruit and vegetable consumption, and mental well-being.