Table 1.
Hospital | Region | Type | Beds | Microbiological Methodb | Guidelines |
HDF | Beirut | University | 444 | Automated | EUCAST |
LAUMC-RH | Beirut | University | 114 | Manual | CLSI + EUCAST |
RHUH | Beirut | University | 250 | Automated | CLSI |
AUBMC | Beirut | University | 380 | Manual | CLSI |
MGH | Beirut | University | 170 | Manual | CLSI |
Zahraa | Mount Lebanon | University | 201 | Manual + Automated | CLSI |
CHU-NDS | Mount Lebanon | University | 250 | Automated | CLSI + EUCAST |
MEIH | Mount Lebanon | University | 150 | Manual | EUCAST |
SGH | Mount Lebanon | University | 400 | Manual | CLSI |
Nini | North Lebanon | Community | 175 | Manual | CLSI |
CHdN | North Lebanon | University | 180 | Manual | CLSI |
Haykal | North Lebanon | Community | 120 | Automated | CLSI |
Labib MC | South Lebanon | Community | 120 | Automated | CLSI |
KEY: HDF Hotel Dieu de France, LAUMC-RH Lebanese American University Medical Center – Rizk Hospital, RHUH Rafic Hariri University Hospital, AUBMC American University of Beirut Medical Center, MGH Makassed General Hospital, CHU-NDS Centre Hospitaler Universitaire Notre Dame de Secours, MEIH Middle East Institute of Health, SGH Saint Georges Hospital, CHdN Centre Hospitalier du Nord, MC Medical Center, EUCAST European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing, CLSI Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute
aAll of the participating hospitals are private, except for RHUH that is a public hospital
bAutomated microbial identification system: Vitek, BD Phoenix