Fig. 6.
Gene ontology in differentially expressed genes that are upregulated after CCI. a Schematic diagram of experiment. Male and female rats were randomly assigned to the naïve group or receive CCI. RNA-seq performed on ipsilateral L4-L6 DRGs from each animal. Differentially expressed genes (DEG) defined as genes expressed after CCI versus naïve with a |log2FC| > 0.5 and an FDR < 0.05. b Log2FC expression between the CCI and naive males (x-axis) and females (y-axis) for DEGs upregulated in CCI versus naive. Threshold of |log2FC| > 0.5 (dashed lines) with an FDR < 0.05 designates DEGs in female rats only (green), male rats only (orange), and in both male and female rats (brown). Venn diagram shows the numbers of DEGs identified in each of these groups. c Functional pathway analysis lists the top gene ontology pathways with the FDR for each term in female rats (top; green), in both male and female rats (middle; brown) and in male rats (bottom; orange). d For each of the top-ranking pathways, the log2FC expression values for DEGs common to several of these pathways are plotted. Genes that significantly differ between males and females with an FDR < 0.05 are indicated with an asterisk. Positive values of the log2FC indicate increased expression in females compared to males and negative values indicate increased expression in males versus females. DRG dorsal root ganglia, CCI chronic constriction injury, FDR false discovery rate, FC fold change