The contact between the Central and the Eastern common vole lineages was characterized based on mtDNA (A and D) and nucDNA (B and E) markers, whereas for TULV clades partial S-segment sequences were phylogenetically assigned to TULV-CEN.S and TULV-EST.S clades (C and F; see Fig 2). The frequency per locality of Eastern host lineage (A, B, D, and E) and TULV-EST.S virus clade (C and F) is displayed starting from the western-most locality. Symbol sizes correspond to the number of samples and symbol colors to the genotype frequency per location. 95% credible cline regions are shown in gray. Cline widths are shown around the estimated cline center, with dotted and dashed lines indicating upper and lower width estimates (two log-likelihood support limits), respectively. mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; nucDNA, nuclear DNA; TULV, Tula orthohantavirus; TULV-CEN.S, Central South TULV; TULV-EST.S, Eastern South TULV.