Different regimes of collective motion for agents with fixed decisiveness, as a function of population size N in a world of fixed size W = 80: (a) N = 10 (low density): Disordered motion, (b) N = 40 (intermediate density): Global alignment with stochastic changes in direction, (c) N = 70 (high density): Global alignment, direction is stable over long periods. Plots show the alignment parameter z (group average of the direction of motion) as a function of time, with one time-step corresponding to one cycle of interaction and deliberation by the PS agent. The inset in panel (c) shows that, on much shorter time-scales, the group transitions from the disordered (randomised) initial state to the ordered long-term state. Parameters: decisiveness d = 30, sensory range r = 5 (number of bins B = 8).