Table 1.
Comparison of Studies evaluating Bone Formation and Resorption in DS
Study | DS Group | Control Group | Marker of bone formation | Marker of bone resorption | Marker of bone turnover | Bone formation Conclusions: | Bone resorption Conclusions: |
Sakadamis 200212 | 11 adult men with DS (average age of 26.5) | 12 controls | none | none | OHP:Cr | none | Bone turnover increased in DS |
McKelvey 201213 | 30 adults (men and women) with DS (age 19–52) | 8 controls | P1NP | CTx | none | Decreased in DS | Similar in controls |
Fowler 201211 | Ts65Dn Mouse | Littermates without Ts65Dn triploidy | P1NP | TRAP 5b | none | Decreased in DS | Decreased in DS |
Garcia-Hoyos 20175 | 75 adults over 18 years (men and women) | 76 controls | P1NP | CTx | none | Increased in DS | Similar to controls |
P1NP: N-terminal propeptide of type 1 collagen
CTx: C-terminal telopeptide of type 1 collagen
OHP:Cr = hydroxyproline to creatinine ratio