Fig. 3.
Auxin response reporter and auxin transporter localization in etiolated hypocotyls of exocyst mutants. (A) Activity of the DR5::GUS auxin response reporter in a 5-day-old etiolated TC exo70A1 seedling and a WT control. Note the accumulation of the GUS signal in the stele of the ectopic collet-like region. Black arrows, collet hairs; red arrows, ectopic collet hair-like structures. (B) Quantitative comparison of GUS signal intensity in etiolated hypocotyls of WT and exo70A1 seedlings. The difference between the two genotypes is highly significant for DR5::GUS (Wilcoxon test P<0.005, n=6). (C) Localization of PIN3–GFP in the middle and lower part of the hypocotyl in TC exo70A1, sec15b, and WT seedlings. The lower row corresponds to the ectopic collet-like region in mutants. White arrow, stele.