Fig. 4. Deletion of stereocilin markedly reduces the OHC stereociliary bundle stiffness, whereas IHC bundle stiffness is unaffected.
(A and B) Phase-frequency curves obtained for P14 Strc+/−/Tecta−/− (A) or Strc−/−/Tecta−/− (B) OHCs from the apical turn of the cochlea. Acquisitions were done with a constant π/2 phase (dotted line) when the acoustically vibrating cantilever with a 10-μm microsphere was moved from 1 μm to within 50 nm from the top of the tall stereocilia row. (C and D) In the absence of stereocilin, the OHC hair bundle stiffness is markedly reduced (C), but the IHC bundle stiffness is unaffected (D). Data are presented as means ± SEM; *** indicates significant differences in comparison with heterozygous littermate controls, P < 0.05 (by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test with Welch’s correction); NS indicates nonsignificant differences in comparison with controls, P > 0.05 (by unpaired two-tailed Student’s t test with Welch’s correction); the indicated number of cells used was from seven animals for Strc+/−/Tecta−/− (n = 40) and seven animals for Strc−/−/Tecta−/− (n = 46) OHCs and from five animals for Strc+/−/Tecta−/− (n = 14) and four animals for Strc−/−/Tecta−/− (n = 13) IHCs.