Table 3.
SNP | Ethnicity | Study | Number non-asthmatics | Number asthmatics | p-value | Effect direction |
rs13277810 | African ancestry | CAAPA | 7 009 | 7 645 | 3.20E−08 | + |
African American | CARDIA | 109 | 860 | 1.68E−01 | + | |
African American | MESA | 200 | 1437 | 5.44E−01 | − | |
African American | ARIC | 89 | 1636 | 5.24E−01 | − | |
African American | BioMe | 391 | 1550 | 1.07E−01 | − | |
Hispanic | BioMe | 519 | 1775 | 7.15E−04 | + | |
rs13269769a | European | TAGC | 19,954 | 107,715 | 9.55E−02b | − |
rs114647118 | African ancestry | CAAPA | 7 009 | 7 645 | 2.70E−07 | − |
African American | CARDIA | 109 | 862 | 5.61E−02 | + | |
African American | MESA | 200 | 1440 | 4.62E−01 | − | |
African American | ARIC | 89 | 1638 | 7.18E−01 | − |
rs13277810 is a common variant that reached genome-wide significance, and rs114647118 is a low frequency variant with MR-MEGA association p-value < 10−6. rs13277810 was not available in the TAGC meta-analysis summary statistics, but rs13269769, a SNP that has high LD with rs13277810 in the 1000 Genomes Project Europeans, was available. The rs114647118 association had low imputation quality in BioMe, and was not included in the TAGC meta-analysis summary statistic dataset. Effect direction is defined in terms of the minor allele. The CAAPA discovery associations are highlighted in bold font
ar2 with rs13277810 in TGP EUR = 0.994
bFixed-effect p-value