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. 2019 Feb 20;2:72. doi: 10.1038/s42003-019-0311-z

Table 2.

Statistics of data collection and processing

T = 3 PvNV-LP (EMD-9576) (PDB 6AB6) T = 1 PvNV-LP (EMD-6999) (PDB 6AB5)
Data collection and processing
Magnification 59,000×
Voltage (kV) 300
Electron exposure (e–/Å2) 40
Defocus range (μm) −1.25  to −2.75
Pixel size (Å) 1.12
Symmetry imposed Icosahedral sym. Icosahedral sym.
Initial model used (ID) EMD-3655 PDB 2ZZQ
   Applied low-pass filter 60 40
Initial particle images (no.) 42,751 476,834
Final particle images (no.) 8596 70,543
Map resolution (Å) 3.5 3.7
   FSC threshold 0.143 0.143
Resolution (Å) 3.5 3.7
Map sharpening B factor (Å2) −195 −273
Model composition
   Nonhydrogen atoms
   Protein residues 489
B factors (Å2)
   Protein 70.36 61.55
   Ligand 96.20
R.m.s. deviations
   Bond lengths (Å) 0.0077 0.01
   Bond angles (°) 1.20 1.18
   MolProbity score 1.61 1.61
   Clashscore 4.69 4.51
   Poor rotamers (%) 0.48 0.37
Ramachandran plot
   Favored (%) 94.7 94.4
   Allowed (%) 5.3 5.6
   Disallowed (%) 0.0 0.0