Maintenance of Stem Cell Stability by PRC1
(A) Schematic illustration demonstrated EdU retention assay to detect slow-cycling stem cells.
(B) EdU+ cells were distinctly localized between the labial and lingual aspects of the cervical loop, but they disappeared by 96 hr post-tamoxifen induction of Ring1 deletion.
(C) Tunel assays revealed apoptotic cells in the stem cell zone in Ring1− cells, whereas no obvious apoptosis was detected in control incisors.
(D) Reduced cell proliferation was detected in Wlsflox/flox;Axin2CreERT2 marked by BrdU-labeled cells.
(E) Annexin V+ apoptotic cells were visible in the stem cell zone 2 days post-tamoxifen on Ring1a−/−;Ring1bflox/flox:Axin2CreERT2 mice compared to controls.
N ≥ 3 mice per group.