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. 2018 Oct 22;10(2):222–230. doi: 10.1016/j.jcot.2018.10.012

Table 1.

Demographics. Study demographics.

Authors Title Year Study Design Group Level of Evidence Number of shoulders total Number of Shoulders usable for analysis Average age of Patients Male Patients (%) Mean Follow Up, months (range) Dominant Dislocations (%) Time from First Injury
Archetti Netto N et al.22 Treatment of Bankart lesions in traumatic anterior instability of the shoulder: A randomized controlled trial comparing arthroscopy and open techniques 2011 R, PRO R 1 50 42 29.5 88.1 37.5 61.3 64.5 (43–89) mo
Arciero, R. A. et al.23 Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Versus Nonoperative Treatment for Acute, Initial Anterior Shoulder Dislocations. 1994 NR, PRO S 2 36 21 20.5 (18–24) NA 32 (15–45) 42.9 5.5 days
Balg, F., and P. Boileau24 The Instability Severity Index Score. A Simple Pre-Operative Score to Select Patients for Arthroscopic or Open Shoulder Stabilisation. 2007 CC, PRO R 2 131 131 27.3 (14–26) 78.6 31.2 (24–52) 62.6 NR
Bottoni, C. R. et al.15 A Prospective, Randomized Evaluation of Arthroscopic Stabilization Versus Nonoperative Treatment in Patients with Acute, Traumatic, First-Time Shoulder Dislocations. 2002 R, PRO S 1 24 9 21.6 (19–26) NR 35 (17–56) 40 <10 days
Bottoni, Cr et al.25 Arthroscopic versus open shoulder stabilization for recurrent anterior instability: a prospective randomized clinical trial 2006 R, PRO R 1 64 61 25 (19–42) 98.4 29 (24–48) 44.3 40 mo
Cole, B. J. et al.26 Comparison of Arthroscopic and Open Anterior Shoulder Stabilization. A Two to Six-Year Follow-up Study. 2000 NR, PRO R 2 59 59 27.6 (15–53) 86.4 53.1 (27–72) 44 39.5 (3–360) mo
Elmlund, A. O. et al.27 A 7-Year Prospective, Randomized, Clinical, and Radiographic Study after Arthroscopic Bankart Reconstruction Using 2 Different Types of Absorbable Tack. 2009 R, PRO R 1 36 36 28 (15–50) 70 80.3 (64–96) 60 34 (8–262) mo
Fabbriciani, C. et al.28 Arthroscopic Versus Open Treatment of Bankart Lesion of the Shoulder: A Prospective Randomized Study. 2004 R, PRO R 1 60 60 25.5 (19–33) 80 24 65 22.8 (6–52) mo
Hantes, M. E. et al.29 Arthroscopic Repair for Chronic Anterior Shoulder Instability: A Comparative Study between Patients with Bankart Lesions and Patients with Combined Bankart and Superior Labral Anterior Posterior Lesions. 2009 NR, PRO R 2 63 63 27.6 (15–48) 81 39.3 (25–66) 60.3 3.73 (0.3–20) mo
Jaeger, A. et al.30 Postoperative Functional Outcome and Stability in Recurrent Traumatic Anteroinferior Glenohumeral Instability: Comparison of Two Different Surgical Capsular Reconstruction Techniques. 2004 R, PRO R 1 62 62 28.9 (16–59) 88.9 19.6 (5–75) 51.6 53.4 mo
Jakobsen, B. W. et al.20 Primary Repair Versus Conservative Treatment of First-Time Traumatic Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder: A Randomized Study with 10-Year Follow-Up. 2007 R, PRO S 1 76 56 23 (15–39) 81.1 120 NR NR
Jorgensen, U. et al.31 Recurrent Post-Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation--Open Versus Arthroscopic Repair. 1999 R, PRO R 1 41 41 median 28 (18–51) 73.2 median 36.2/36.6 (30–52) 41.5 NR
Karlsson J., L. et al.32 Comparison of open and arthroscopic stabilization for recurrent shoulder dislocation in patients with a Bankart lesion 2001 NR, PRO R 2 119 108 26.4 (15–62) 76.9 31.56 (24–63) NR 35.9 (4–360) mo
Kartus J., L. et al.33 Arthroscopic and open shoulder stabilization using absorbable implants: A clinical and radiographic comparison of two methods 1998 NR, PRO R 2 36 36 median 29/32 (16–62) 75.8 median 31/28 (18–46) 55.6 43.5 (1–360) mo
Kim, D. S. et al.19 Arthroscopic Repair for Combined Bankart and Superior Labral Anterior Posterior Lesions: A Comparative Study between Primary and Recurrent Anterior Dislocation in the Shoulder. 2011 NR, PRO R 2 110 110 26.4 (17–38) 88.2 45.1 (25–118) NR 14.2 (2–32) days, 25.3 (10–28) mo
Kim, S. H. et al.34 Accelerated Rehabilitation after Arthroscopic Bankart Repair for Selected Cases: A Prospective Randomized Clinical Study. 2003 R, PRO S, R 1 62 62 28.5 (15–39) 80.6 31 (27–45) NR 40.4 (2–26) mo
Kirkley A et al.13 Prospective randomized clinical trial comparing the effectiveness of immediate arthroscopic stabilization versus immobilization and rehabilitation in first traumatic anterior dislocations of the shoulder: long-term evaluation 2005 R, PRO S 1 31 19 23 54.8 79 (51–102) 32.3 NR
Larrain, M. V. et al.14 Arthroscopic Repair of Acute Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Dislocation in Young Athletes. 2001 NR, PRO S 2 46 28 21 (17–27) 94.4 67.4 (28–120) NR NR
Magnusson L. et al.35 A prospective, randomized, clinical and radiographic study after arthroscopic Bankart reconstruction using 2 different types of absorbable tacks 2006 R, PRO R 1 40 40 28 (15–50) 70 25.5 (23–35) 60 34 (8–262) mo
Mahirogullari, M. et al.36 Comparison of Outcomes of Two Different Surgeries in Regarding to Complications for Chronic Anterior Shoulder Instability. 2006 NR, PRO R 2 64 34 24.4 (19–33) 100 25 (24–39) 88.2 3.1 (1–6) yrs
Mahiroğulları M. et al.37 Comparison between the results of open and arthroscopic repair of isolated traumatic anterior instability of the shoulder 2010 R, PRO R 1 64 64 25.5 100 26.3 78.1 4.1 (1–24) yrs
Milano G. et al.37 Comparison between metal and biodegradable suture anchors in the arthroscopic treatment of traumatic anterior shoulder instability: a prospective randomized study 2010 R, PRO R 1 78 33 28 (16–43) 83.3 24 50.0 36 (6–276) mo
Mohtadi N et al.2 A Randomized Clinical Trial Comparing Open and Arthroscopic Stabilization for Recurrent Traumatic Anterior Shoulder Instability: Two-Year Follow-up with Disease-Specific Quality-of-Life Outcomes. 2014 R, PRO R 1 196 167 27.5 82 24 39 37.9 mo
Ng, D. Z., and V. P. Kumar39 Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Using Knot-Tying Versus Knotless Suture Anchors: Is There a Difference? 2014 R, PRO R 1 87 87 21.1 88.5 32.4 (24–44.4) NR NR
Norlin, R.40 Use of Mitek anchoring for Bankart repair: A comparative, randomized,prospective study with traditional bone sutures 1994 R, PRO R 1 40 20 24 median, (17–44) 65 24 60 NR
Nourissat, G. et al.41 A Prospective, Comparative, Radiological, and Clinical Study of the Influence of The Remplissage Procedure on Shoulder Range of Motion after Stabilization by Arthroscopic Bankart Repair. 2011 NR, PRO R 2 32 32 24 62.5 27.5 NR NR
Potzl, W. et al.42 Proprioception of the Shoulder Joint after Surgical Repair for Instability: A Long-Term Follow-up Study. 2004 NR, PRO R 2 14 14 28 (16–52) 50 70.8 (66–90) 92.9 NR
Robinson CM et al.21 Primary Arthroscopic Stabilization for a First-Time Anterior Dislocation of the Shoulder. A Randomized, Double-Blind Trial. 2008 R, PRO S 1 88 55 24.3 93.3 24 44.4 7.6 d
Salomonsson, B. et al.43 The Bankart Repair Versus the Putti-Platt Procedure: A Randomized Study with Wosi Score at 10-Year Follow-up in 62 Patients. 2009 R, PRO R 1 66 32 median 26 (16–33) 81.2 120 57.6 42 (7–144) mo
Shih W-Y. et al.44 Comparison of arthroscopic treatment with conservative treatment for acute first-time traumatic anterior shoulder dislocation in a high-demand population 2011 NR, PRO S 1 64 39 21.9 (18–29) 100 18 33.3 5 (1–12) days
Sperber A et al.45 Comparison of an arthroscopic and an open procedure for posttraumatic instability of the shoulder: a prospective, randomized multicenter study 2001 R, PRO R 1 56 56 26 (18–51) 71.4 24 57.1 4.2 yrs
Steinbeck, J., and J. Jerosch46 Arthroscopic Transglenoid Stabilization Versus Open Anchor Suturing in Traumatic Anterior Instability of the Shoulder. 1998 NR, PRO R 2 62 62 28.6 (17–49) 82.3 38.1 (24–60) 85.5 NR
Tamai, K. et al.47 Recurrences after the Open Bankart Repair: A Potential Risk with Use of Suture Anchors. 1999 NR, PRO R 2 87 87 25.4 (15–60) 82.8 37.5 (18–85) 59.8 6.4 yrs
Tan, C. K. et al.48 Arthroscopic Stabilization of the Shoulder: A Prospective Randomized Study of Absorbable Versus Nonabsorbable Suture Anchors. 2006 R, PRO R 1 130 124 27.5 (17–49) 87.1 31.2 (18–60) 58.9 1.9 yrs
Warme, W. J. et al.49 Nonabsorbable Versus Absorbable Suture Anchors for Open Bankart Repair. A Prospective, Randomized Comparison. 1999 R, PRO R 1 40 38 22 (17–46) 74.4 25 (17–45) NR NR

R, retrospective; PRO, prospective; NR, not reported.