A. Representative traces of spontaneous action potential-dependent inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) during baseline and after application of ethanol (44 mM) from naïve mice. B. Ethanol-induced effect on sIPSC frequency plotted as a percent of baseline for naïve, Non-Dep, and Dep mice. C. Percent of CeA neurons reponding to ethanol with an increase, decrease or no change in sIPSC frequency. D. Frequency of sIPSCs plotted as a percent of baseline during IL-1β (50 ng/mL) application (black circles, n = 9–12 cells) and during IL-1β co-application with ethanol (red circles) for each cell in naïve, nondep and dep mice. E. Frequency of sIPSCs plotted as a percent of baseline during IL-1ra (100 ng/mL) application (black diamonds, n = 7–9 cells) and during IL-1ra co-application with ethanol (red diamonds) for each cell. ##, p < 0.01; ###, p < 0.001; n = 8 – 12 cells from 8 – 11 mice, and the exact number of cells in each condition is reported in the bars.