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. 2019 Feb 19;10(1):1577092. doi: 10.1080/20008198.2019.1577092

Table 1.

Demographic and baseline clinical characteristics by treatment group.

  n (%)1
Characteristic Seeking
(n = 111)
(n = 115)
(n = 117)
(n = 343)
Age, mean (SD) 41.5 (11.7) 40.3 (11.3) 41.1 (11.2) 40.9 (11.4)
School years complete, median (range) 10 (7–13) 10 (7–13) 11 (7–13) 10 (7–13)
Born in Germany 101 (91.0) 108 (93.9) 101 (86.3) 310 (90.4)
Married 17 (15.3) 21 (18.3) 18 (15.4) 56 (16.3)
Unemployed or marginally employed 89 (80.2) 90 (78.3) 88 (75.2) 267 (77.8)
Monthly household net income < €1000 59 (53.2) 61 (53.5)a 66 (56.4) 186 (54.4)
Substance use disorder        
Alcohol 88 (79.3) 100 (87.0) 102 (87.2) 293 (85.4)
Sedatives 40 (37.0)b 38 (33.0) 28 (23.9) 106 (31.2)
Cannabis 53 (49.1)b 58 (50.4) 54 (46.2) 165 (48.5)
Stimulants 30 (27.5)c 25 (21.7) 41 (35.0) 96 (28.2)
Opiates 24 (21.8)d 26 (22.6) 23 (19.7) 73 (21.3)
Cocaine 34 (31.5)b 29 (25.2) 34 (29.1) 97 (28.5)
30-day abstinence 28 (25.2) 22 (19.1) 23 (19.7) 73 (21.3)
Prior substance abuse treatment 74 (66.7) 75 (65.2) 77 (66.4)e 226 (66.1)
Childhood traumaf        
Emotional abuse 84 (77.1)c 99 (86.1) 84 (72.4)e 267 (78.5)*
Physical abuse 51 (45.9) 71 (61.7) 57 (48.7) 179 (52.2)*
Sexual abuse 80 (72.1) 91 (79.1) 78 (67.2)e 249 (72.8)
Emotional neglect 77 (70.0)d 98 (86.0)a 86 (73.5) 261 (76.5)*
Physical neglect 64 (58.2)d 79 (68.7) 66 (56.4) 209 (61.1)
Lifetime traumatic experiences        
Serious accident 43 (38.7) 37 (32.5)a 36 (31.3)g 116 (34.1)
Natural disaster 1 (0.9) 2 (1.8)h 7 (6.1)a 10 (3.0)
Family non-sexual assault 80 (72.1) 83 (72.8)a 87 (75.0)e 250 (73.3)
Stranger non-sexual assault 57 (51.8)d 53 (46.5)a 48 (41.7)g 158 (46.6)
Family sexual assault 70 (63.1) 79 (69.3)a 61 (52.6)e 210 (61.6)*
Stranger sexual assault 69 (62.7)d 61 (53.5)a 64 (55.2)e 194 (57.1)
Military combat 1 (0.9) 1 (0.9)h 2 (1.7)g 4 (1.2)
Sexual contact (< 18 years/partner 5+ years older) 75 (67.6) 89 (78.1)a 77 (65.8) 241 (70.5)
Captivity/Imprisonment 13 (11.8)d 19 (16.7)a 14 (12.2)g 46 (13.6)
Torture 7 (6.4)d 15 (13.3)h 11 (9.6)g 33 (9.8)
Life-threatening illness 27 (24.3) 23 (20.2)a 28 (24.3)g 78 (22.9)
Other traumatic event 70 (64.2)c 69 (62.2)i 68 (60.7)j 207 (62.3)
Subthreshold PTSD 26 (23.4) 28 (24.3) 31 (26.5) 85 (24.8)
Prior trauma treatment 30 (27.0) 31 (27.0) 19 (16.4)e 80 (23.4)
Current mental health comorbidity        
Major depression 44 (40.0)d 56 (49.1)a 53 (45.3) 153 (44.9)
Anxiety disorder 69 (62.2) 73 (63.5) 79 (67.5) 221 (64.4)
Ever attempted suicide 63 (56.8) 67 (58.3) 67 (58.3)g 197 (57.8)
No. of suicide attempts, median (range) 2 (1–25)k 2 (1–20)l 2 (1–50) 2 (1–50)

1If not otherwise specified. a n = 114. b n = 108. c n = 109. d n = 110. e n = 116. f At least moderate to severe (Childhood Trauma Questionnaire). g n = 115. h n = 113. i n = 111. j n = 112. k n = 62. l n = 66. * Significant between-group difference with p < .05. RPT = Relapse Prevention Training, TAU = treatment as usual.