Figure 6.
High HAI-2 expression does not suppress the levels of shed active matriptase in a proportional manner. The HAI-2:matriptase molar ratio was estimated in Ramos cells (A and B). Matriptase species and HAI-2 species in the cell lysate and conditioned buffer in Ramos cells were determined by western blot as described in Figure 4(A). The expression levels of matriptase species (A: left panel MTP) and HAI-2 species (A: right panel HAI-2) in the cell lysate (A: lanes 1, C) and the shed fraction (A: lanes 2, S) were determined by the relative signal density of each protein band, as indicated. The HAI-2:matriptase molar ratio in Ramos cells was calculated to be 1.72 (0.43/0.25 = 1.72), based on the ratio of matriptase-HAI-2 complexes relative to total matriptase (0.43) or to total HAI-2 (0.25), as indicated (B). The HAI-2:matriptase ratio in the remaining six neoplastic cells was then estimated based on the protein expression levels of matriptase and HAI-2, as shown in Figure 3(A,B), respectively. The rates of shed matriptase proteolytic activity normalised for matriptase expression level in the seven neoplastic cell lines were then plotted against the logarithm of their respective HAI-2:matriptase ratio (C).