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. 2019 Jan 10;79(1):20. doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-6482-9

Table 1.

Impact on cross sections, in percent, for each systematic uncertainty source in the four photon rapidity regions, |yγ|<0.8, 0.8<|yγ|<1.44, 1.57<|yγ|<2.1, and 2.1<|yγ|<2.5. The ranges, when quoted, indicate the variation over photon ET between 190 and 1000GeV

Source |yγ|<0.8 0.8<|yγ|<1.44 1.57<|yγ|<2.1 2.1<|yγ|<2.5
Trigger efficiency 0.7–8.5 0.2–13.4 0.6–20.5 0.3–7.8
Selection efficiency 0.1–1.3 0.1–1.3 0.1–5.3 0.1–1.1
Data-to-MC scale factor 3.7 3.7 7.1 7.1
Template shape 0.6–5.0 0.1–10.2 0.5–4.9 0.6–16.2
Event migration 3.8–5.5 1.2–4.1 2.0–8.5 2.3–10.3
Total w/o luminosity 5.4–12.0 5.9–18.2 8.2–26.9 8.6–21.7
Integrated luminosity 2.3