Table 1. Proposed University of California-San Francisco (UCSF) 2011 revised criteria*.
1. Supportive for cortical involvement: Asymmetric involvement of midline neocortex or cingulate or sparing of the precentral gyrus or ADC cortical ribboning with low values.
2. Supportive for subcortical involvement: Striatum with anterior-posterior gradient or subcortical low ADC values.
*Adapted from original table of proposed criteria [4].
DWI: Diffusion-weighted image; T2-FLAIR: T2-weighted fluid attenuation inversion recovery; MRI: Magnetic resonance imaging; CJD: Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; ADC: Apparent diffusion coefficient.
Diagnosis | Criteria |
MRI definitely CJD | DWI > T2-FLAIR hyperintensity in: |
Classic pathognomonic: cingulate, striatum, and >1 neocortical gyrus (often precuneus, angular, or superior/frontal gyrus) | |
Cortex only involvement (>3 gyri); see supportive for cortical1 | |
MRI probably CJD | Unilateral striatum or cortex (≤3 gyri); see supportive for cortical and subcortical1,2 |
Bilateral striatum or posteromesial thalamus; see supportive for subcortical2 | |
MRI probably not CJD | Only T2-FLAIR/DWI abnormalities in limbic areas, where hyperintensity can be normal (e.g., insula, anterior cingulate, hippocampi) and ADC map does not show restricted diffusion in these areas |
DWI hyperintensities due to artifact (signal distortion); see other MRI issues (below) | |
T2-FLAIR > DWI hyperintensities; see other MRI issues (below) | |
MRI definitely not CJD | Normal imaging |
Abnormalities not consistent with CJD | |
Other MRI issues | In prolonged courses of CJD (>1 year) brain MRI might show significant atrophy with loss of DWI hyperintensity, particularly in areas previously with restricted diffusion |
To help distinguish abnormality from artifact, obtain sequences in multiple directions (e.g., axial and coronal) |