FIG 6.
Effect of the shRNA depletion of RBP-Jκ on RTA-induced viral and host gene expression during KSHV reactivation. (A) Confirmation of the shRNA knockdown of RBP-Jκ by RT-qPCR. (B) Immunoblot analysis of viral gene expression in RBP-Jκ-treated reactivated iSLKBAC16 cells. The quantification of protein expression on the immunoblots is shown as fold change relative (Rel.) to shControl (shCtrl) at 0 hpi for RBP-Jκ or relative to shControl at 24 hpi in the case of viral proteins. LANA, latency-associated nuclear antigen. (C) Cell death analysis in shRNA-treated reactivated iSLKBAC16 cells (n.s., not significant). (D) RT-qPCR analysis of the RTA-mediated induction of core RIGs in the absence of RBP-Jκ (*, P < 0.05).