Features of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-antibody encephalitis psychopathology in the psychiatric-described and non-psychiatric-described subgroups
(A) Venn diagram of overlaps between the five most common higher-level features in psychiatric-described subgroups and non-psychiatric-described subgroups. (B) Estimation of fit using AIC and coherence estimation using network analysis in the non-psychiatricdescribed (n=335) and psychiatric-described (n=129) subgroups. The figure shows the number of patients modelled to each diagnosis (best single diagnosis histogram), and the number of patients with each pair of diagnoses (best pair of diagnoses heatmap). AIC=Akaike information criterion. APPD=acute polymorphic psychotic disorder. Cat Sz=catatonic schizophrenia. D=depression. Heb Sz=hebephrenic schizophrenia. M=mania. PPP=post-partum psychosis. P Sz=paranoid schizophrenia. Sz=schizophrenia. SzAD=schizoaffective disorder. + cat=with catatonia. + psy=with psychotic features. (C) Histograms showing the change in AIC in each group (left and right panels). The mean AIC by two diagnoses than by one. AIC=Akaike information criterion. (D) Network analysis of the 27 lower-level features found at greater than 10% relative frequencies of the most common feature (agitation). The lower-level features are represented as nodes; the size of the nodes is proportionate to the frequency of the feature and the edge thickness is proportionate to the frequency of co-occurrences. The nodes are colour-coded by closeness centrality, a measure of interconnectedness, where one is complete. Agit=agitation. Aggr=aggression. Ahal =auditory hallucinations. A-V hal=auditory and visual hallucinations. Anx=anxiety or fear. Del=delusion. Depr=depression. Disorg=disorganised or bizarre. Disinh=disinhibition. Gibb=talking gibberish. Hal=hallucinations. Insom=insomnia. Irrit=irritability or mood instability. Lau-cry=incongruent laughter-crying. Mani=mania. Mut=mutism. Para=paranoid theme. Phag=hypophagia. Post=posturing. Scr=screaming. Sex=sexual disinhibition. Som=hypersomnia. Stup=stupor. Suic=suicidal thoughts. V-hal=visual hallucinations. Viol=violence. Wax=waxy flexibility.