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. 2018 Dec 16;47(1):31–43. doi: 10.1177/0300060518816884

Table 1.

Summary of the most important studies of ILUVIEN®.

Study Year Design Number of patients Key results
FAME study group16,20 2011 and 2012 Two parallel, prospective, randomised, sham injection-controlled, double-masked, multicentre clinical trials24- and 36-month follow-ups Sham, n = 1850.2 µg/day, n = 3750.5 µg/day, n = 393 1. Visual gain of >15 ETDRS lettersInline graphic
2. BCVA letter score gain at 24 monthsSham: 1.70.2 μg: 4.40.5 μg: 5.43. Glaucoma surgerySham: 0.5%0.2 µg: 3.7%0.5 μg: 7.6 %
ICE-UK33 2017 Retrospective study involving 13 ophthalmology centresApril 2013–2015, 12-month follow-up 208 patients (233 eyes) 1. Visual gain of >15 ETDRS letters: 18% at 12 months 2. Glaucoma surgery: 0% 3. Glaucoma therapy: 15%
Medisoft Audit Group36 2017 14 clinical centres in the UK, electronic pseudo-anonymised medical record system, retrospective 305 patients (345 eyes) 1. Visual gain of >15 ETDRS lettersInline graphic
2. Letter gain at 18 and 24 months: 4.5 and 5.33. Requirement for emergent IOP-lowering medication in 22.0% and requirement for glaucoma surgery in 0.8% with a glaucoma diagnosis rate of 2.4%
Pessoa et al.40 2018 Retrospective comparative, vitrectomised vs. non-vitrectomised eyes 43 eyes (24 vitrectomised, 19 non-vitrectomised) 1. Visual gain of >15 ETDRS letters 8.5 monthsInline graphic
El-Ghrably et al.34 2017 Observational, prospective, multicentre study 57 patients Gain of 5.1 EDTRS letters at month 12; 22% of patients gained ≥15 EDTRS letters
IRISS52 2018 Prospective, observational, multicentre study 563 patients (593 eyes) 1. 23.3% of patients required IOP-lowering drops 2. 2.3% of patients required glaucoma surgery

ETDRS, Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study; BCVA, best-corrected visual acuity; IOP, intraocular pressure.