Figure 7. Validation of Single-Cell Transcriptomes and Derivation of Spermatogenic Cell-type-Specific Gene Expression Signatures.
Germ-cell-specific genes that were significantly differentially expressed in pseudotime among spermatogonia, spermatocytes, and spermatids in both mice and men were tested for their ability to recognize specific spermatogenic cell types in complex mixtures using qRT-PCR.
(A) Log2 fold change values for qRT-PCR detection of 33 cell-type-specific signature genes in mouse testes at ages P6-P30 (made relative to levels in adult mouse testes).
(B) Detection of cell types in mouse testes by postnatal age (+++, robust; ++, moderate; +, detectable).
(C) Principal-component analysis (PCA) plot projects the qRT-PCR results from the 33-gene mouse spermatogenic cell gene expression panel.
(D) Log2 fold change values for qRT-PCR detection of 33 cell-type-specific signature genes in testis tissue fragments from 29 men or aggregate populations of isolated human spermatogonia, spermatocytes, or spermatids (relative to the gene-specific average from all 29 human tissue fragments).
(E) PCA plot of qRT-PCR results from the 33-gene human spermatogenic cell gene expression panel.