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. 2019 Jan 24;24(3):421. doi: 10.3390/molecules24030421

Table 1.

Mathematical modeling of the five main position-changing strategies of dragonfly [8].

Position Updating Strategies Equations Description
Separation Si=j=1NX Xj X: position of the current individual
Xj: position of the j-th neighboring individual
N: number of the neighboring individuals
Vj: velocity of the j-th neighboring individual
X+: position of the food source
X: position of the enemy
(s, a, c, f, e): separation, alignment, cohesion, food, and enemy factors
w: inertia weight
t: current iteration
Alignment Ai=j=1NVjN
Cohesion Ci=j=1NXjNX
Attraction to food Fi=X+X
Distraction from enemy Ei=X+X
Position updating Xt+1=(sSi+aAi+cCi+fFi+eEi)+wXt
Xt+1= Xt+ Xt+1
Position updating with Lévy flight Xt+1= Xt+ Levy(d)×Xt
Lévy (x)=0.10×r1×σ|r2|1β
σ= (Γ(1+β)×sin(πβ2)Γ(1+β2)×β×2(β12))1β
Γ(x)= (x1)!
d: dimension of the position vectors
r1, r2: random numbers in [0, 1]
β: constant