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. 2019 Feb 21;7(2):2325967119826540. doi: 10.1177/2325967119826540


Pitch Velocitya

Preinjury Year P b
  1 2 3
Mean pitch velocity, mph
 UCL cohort 89.04 ± 3.23 88.99 ± 3.12 88.74 ± 3.22 .064
 Control cohort 89.00 ± 2.64 88.84 ± 2.50 88.56 ± 2.57 .005
 P valuec .928 .760 .711
Fastball velocity, mphd
 UCL cohort 92.13 ± 2.79 92.04 ± 2.80 91.89 ± 2.94 .153
 Control cohort 91.87 ± 2.33 91.71 ± 2.40 91.49 ± 2.45 .012
 P valuec .559 .457 .392

aBold indicates statistically significant within-group difference. UCL, ulnar collateral ligament.

bWithin-cohort P values were calculated with 1-way analysis of variance with correlated samples.

cNonpaired 2-tailed t tests were calculated between cohorts, with P = .0167 used for significance.

dFastball velocity accessed via