Fig. 6.
Evolutionarily similar early regeneration response. (a) These plots show sea star gene log fold change values for genes differentially expressed early in both anterior and posterior regenerating fragments compared with non-bisected sibling control larvae. Genes upregulated in both fragments (top row) correspond to cluster I, and genes downregulated in both fragments (bottom row) correspond to cluster II. All genes assigned to each cluster are plotted in gray. Several genes, either referenced in the text or representative of functions considered, are indicated with colored lines. Next to the key for each gene is an indication (+) of whether an ortholog for that gene was found in an analogous cluster in either the planaria (S.m.) or hydra (H.m.) datasets. Indicators in brackets (e.g., “[+]”) are those was no overlapping ortholog identified by our analyses, but genes with the same name were implicated by published datasets. Genes plotted with dashed lines are shown by in situ (right). Several additional genes are shown in a supplemental figure (Additional file 1: Figure S9). The expression patterns of Elk (b), Egr (c), and Klf2/4 (d) are shown. (b′–d′) are magnifications of the wound site shown in the boxed regions in panels (b–d). Expression patterns in uncut larva are also shown (b″–d″)