Figure 6: FACS sorting strategy and cell appearance following zinc-based fixation and dissociation:
Frozen cortex from mouse was fixed in zinc solution, dissociated, stained, and FACS was performed. A) DAPI(+) cells are gated from DAPI(−) debris. B) Neurons are gated from non-neurons based on the expression of NeuN-PE. C) Dissociated tissue was collected and viewed under a microscope at 63×. Unsorted (top row), post-sort neurons (middle row), and post-sort non-neurons (bottom row) are shown, imaged with 3 different filters: Open/brightfield (left column), DAPI (middle column), and NeuN-PE/TRITC (right column). Note that intact cellular bodies survive FACS. Also, note the lack of NeuN-PE sorting in the non-neuronal population. Scale bar = 20 microns.