TABLE 4. Analysis and interpretation of results from economic evaluations on interventions designed to tackle tuberculosis (TB) in homeless people.
Study | ICERa | Study conclusion | Sensitivity analysis |
Jit et al. (19)b | ICER of Find and Treat service compared to no Find and Treat service was US$ 8 320/QALYc | Mobile screening unit and case management seem cost-effective | In the most unfavorable scenario, the ICURd would range from US$ 5 330/QALY to US$ 33 800/QALY |
Linas et al. (20) | ICER: 1) TSTe compared with no screening: US$ 95 000 / QALY 2) IGRAf compared with TST: US$ 194 300/QALY |
Case detection was better by IGRA than by TST but improved case detection resulted in little life expectancy gain because the risk of reactivation TB was small and the rate of isoniazid therapy completion was low. | ICER of IGRA compared with TST ranged from US$ 140 600 to US$ 363 600 per QALY |
Nettleman (21) | A vaccine with 40% efficacy would result in net savings if provided for persons in homeless shelters. At an efficacy of 50%, capital outlay would be US$ 621 per TB case prevented and US$ 9 100 per life saved. |
If the BCGg vaccine had moderate efficacy, the vaccination of homeless people would be cost-effective. | The vaccination would become dominant if: 1) TB incidence in homeless people was 25 times that of the general population; 2) the probability of cases of active infection being found by tracing contacts with active TB was higher than 0.18. |
Tulsky et al. (22) | Not provided | Incentives are a valuable way of helping people overcome barriers to completing a course of DOPT.h Cash and noncash incentives were equally effective. | Not performed |
LoBue et al. (23) | Not provided | Data suggest that implementation of a housing program in conjunction with the use of DOTi is effective for improving TB therapy in homeless people. | Not performed |
Source: Compiled by the authors based on the results of the systematic review.
ICER: incremental cost-effectiveness ratio.
British pounds were converted to US$ using an exchange rate of £ 1 = US$ 1.30.
QALY: quality-adjusted life year.
ICUR: incremental cost-utility ratio.
TST: [Mantoux] tuberculin skin test.
IGRA: interferon-gamma release assay.
BCG: Bacillus Calmette–Guérin vaccine.
DOPT: Directly Observed Prevention Therapy.
DOT: Directly Observed Therapy.