Figure 2. Bipartite network diagrams based on (A) observational data, that is, the number of bees captured on each plant genera and (B) the proportion of insects on which pollen from each plant genera was detected by metabarcoding.
Each plant genus was only counted as present on a given insect if it made up >5% of metabarcoding reads. In (A), only visitation data from bees whose pollen loads were sequenced is displayed. In (B), plant taxa which were present in the wildflower plots are coloured in dark grey, while other plant families are pale grey. Anth, Anthemis; Chry, Chrysanthemum; Esch, Escholzia; Papa, Papaver; Phac, Phacelia; Echi, Echium; Cent, Centaurea; Bora, Borago; Samb, Sambucus; Oeno, Oenothera; Fall, Fallopia; Lact, Lactuca; Crat, Crataegus; Ligu, Ligustrum; Rubu, Rubus; Hydr, Hydrangea; Achi, Achillea; Plan, Plantago; Symp, Symphytum; Myos, Myosotis; Camp, Campanula; Budd, Buddleja; Pent, Pentaglottis; Trif, Trifolium; Rosa, Rosa; Sonc, Sonchus; Lupi, Lupinus.