Figure 5.
PTGS2 inhibition normalizes disrupted antral pacemaker activity in Lepob antrums. A: Continuous intracellular microelectrode recording from a Lepob antrum under control conditions (no drugs) and after the addition of the PTGS2 inhibitor valdecoxib (1 μmol/L). Slow waves increased in amplitude and decreased in frequency. Intracellular recordings at a faster sweep speed before (B) and in the presence of valdecoxib (C). Traces show the changes in slow wave parameters. Summary of slow wave changes in slow wave frequency (D) and slow wave amplitude (E). Typical recordings of wild-type antrum under control conditions (F) and after the addition of valdecoxib (G). H and I: Summary of the effects of valdecoxib (Val) on slow wave frequency amplitude. Valdecoxib decreased frequency but had no effect on amplitude (paired Student t test). *P ≤ 0.05; **P ≤ 0.01.