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. 2018 Sep 7;42:e118. doi: 10.26633/RPSP.2018.118

TABLE 2. Sensitivity analysis showing the effect of varying assumptions on the estimated prevalence (with 95% confidence intervals) of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis in adult women (15-49 years) and on new cases of congenital syphilis (CS) and of syphilis-associated adverse birth outcomes in Colombia in 2016.

Parameter altered Gonorrhea prevalence, women Chlamydia prevalence, women Syphilis prevalence, women Congenital syphilis cases Adverse birth outcomes (subset of CS)
None (default estimate) 0.70% (0.15% to 1.9%) 9.2% (4.4% to 15.4%) 1.25% (1.21% to 1.29%) 3 851 2 245
Gonorrhea and chlamydia: add less-representative prevalence studies from Colombia into the estimation (see Annex 1; each of these assigned a weight of 20%) 0.50% (0.09% to 1.5%) 8.8% (4.4% to 14.7%) Not applicable/as default Not applicable/as default Not applicable/as default
Syphilis: add blood donor screening data (using weights as shown in Annex 2) Not applicable/as default Not applicable/as default 1.04% (0.96% to 1.19%) 3 204 1 868

Source: Prepared by the authors from the study's estimations, based on the data presented in the annexes.