TABLE 2. Sensitivity analysis showing the effect of varying assumptions on the estimated prevalence (with 95% confidence intervals) of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis in adult women (15-49 years) and on new cases of congenital syphilis (CS) and of syphilis-associated adverse birth outcomes in Colombia in 2016.
Parameter altered | Gonorrhea prevalence, women | Chlamydia prevalence, women | Syphilis prevalence, women | Congenital syphilis cases | Adverse birth outcomes (subset of CS) |
None (default estimate) | 0.70% (0.15% to 1.9%) | 9.2% (4.4% to 15.4%) | 1.25% (1.21% to 1.29%) | 3 851 | 2 245 |
Gonorrhea and chlamydia: add less-representative prevalence studies from Colombia into the estimation (see Annex 1; each of these assigned a weight of 20%) | 0.50% (0.09% to 1.5%) | 8.8% (4.4% to 14.7%) | Not applicable/as default | Not applicable/as default | Not applicable/as default |
Syphilis: add blood donor screening data (using weights as shown in Annex 2) | Not applicable/as default | Not applicable/as default | 1.04% (0.96% to 1.19%) | 3 204 | 1 868 |
Source: Prepared by the authors from the study's estimations, based on the data presented in the annexes.