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. 2019 Jan 31;24(5):1800159. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2019.24.5.1800159

Table 1. Main characteristics of cases of bloodstream infection due to carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae reported to the national surveillance system, Italy, 2014–2017 (n = 7,632).

Characteristics N %
Pathogen Klebsiella pneumoniae 7,490 98.1
Escherichia coli 142 1.9
Sexa Female 2,817 37.3
Male 4,731 62.7
Age group (years)a 0–19 101 1.4
20–39 411 5.6
40–59 1,642 22.2
60–79 3,677 49.7
≥ 80 1,569 21.2
Nationality Italian 7,631 96.4
Other 271 3.6
Patient location at symptom onseta Hospital 6,386 87.2
Otherb 937 12.8
Total 7,632 100

IR: incidence rate.

a For 84 (1.1%) cases, sex was not indicated; for 232 (3.0%) cases, age was not reported; for 309 (4.0%) cases, patient location was not indicated.

b Home or long-term care facility.

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